Clinical Study

Autonomic Cardiovascular Control in Hyperthyroid Women during Sleep

Table 1

Linear and nonlinear parameters during wake and sleep in Hyperthyr and Euthyroid subjects.


Hyperthyr ( )
 HR (bpm)
 TP (ms2)
 VLF (ms2)
 LF (ms2)
 HF (ms2)
 LF nu
 HF nu
Euthyr ( )
 HR (bpm)
 TP (ms2)
 VLF (ms2)
 LF (ms2)
 HF (ms2)
 LF nu
 HF nu

Data are presented ±SD. HR: heart rate; TP: total power; VLF: very low frequency; LF: low frequency; HF: high frequency; nu: normalized units; Ro: regularity index. versus Hyperthyr.