Research Article

An Exploratory Study of the Elements of Successful Service Dog Partnerships in the Workplace

Table 3

Importance ratings by cluster ( ).

ClusterCountMinMaxMeanStd Dev.

Dog preparation40.330.704.150.13
Coworker preparation110.160.593.970.14
Legal knowledge160.140.423.940.08
Information and education160.201.003.840.19
Employee competence120.070.303.850.07

Note. The count is the number of elements in the cluster. Abbreviations used in the table include: Std Dev. is Standard Deviation; Min. is minimum bridging values of ratings on 0-1 scale; Max. is maximum bridging values of ratings on 0-1 scale. The bridging value, ranging from 0 to 1, provides information on how often a statement was sorted with others that are close to it or disparate on the map. Median is median rating of level of importance on a 1–5 scale.