Clinical Study

Effect of Telmisartan on Cerebral and Systemic Haemodynamics in Patients with Recent Ischaemic Stroke: A Randomised Controlled Trial

Table 1

Baseline characteristics by treatment group. Mean (standard deviation) or frequency (%).


Age (years)71.9 (12.9)68.3 (15.6)
Sex (male)10 (83)4 (57)
Systolic BP
(at randomisation, mmHg)
165.7 (12.5)166.0 (16.7)
Previous hypertension6 (50)5 (71)
Previous stroke1 (8)1 (14)
Previous diabetes mellitus0 (0)2 (29)
Previous atrial fibrillation3 (25)1 (14)
Previous ischaemic heart disease2 (17)2 (29)
Previous high cholesterol4 (33)4 (57)
Smoking status
 Current2 (17)2 (29)
 Past5 (42)5 (71)
 Never5 (42)0 (0)
Time to baseline scan (hours)57.9 (20.1)67.8 (21.5)
Scandinavian Stroke Scale (/58)48.1 (11.8)47.9 (8.1)
Cortical syndrome (OCSP)7 (59)1 (14)
Prestroke antihypertensive treatment5 (42)4 (57)
 Diuretic1 (8)2 (22)
 Beta blocker5 (42)1 (11)
 Alpha-blocker02 (22)
 Angiotensin receptor blocker2 (17)0
 ACE inhibitor02 (22)
 Calcium channel antagonist1 (8)2 (22)

OCSP: Oxford community stroke project.