Research Article

The Low-Mass End of the / Relation in Quasars

Figure 4

The relation in the objects in our sample (filled symbols), as compared with the sample from [58] (empty symbols) and the local relation ( ; see [9]). Squares, triangles, and circles refer to estimates derived from , MgII, and CIV respectively. Our new data substantially extend the sampled range of the relation. The relation holds down to quasar host masses of (BH masses of ). There is no evidence of a population of objects lying below the relation, as claimed by [62]. The overall scatter of the relation is 0.44 dex, and it extends over 2 dex both in terms of host galaxy and BH mass. Dotted, horizontal lines show how our objects would move if the correction for the bulge-to-total luminosity ratio is taken into account (see the text for details). The solid line is the best fit to our data.