Review Article

Kilonova/Macronova Emission from Compact Binary Mergers

Figure 4

Comparison of kilonova models with GRB 130603B (a) and GRB 060614 (b). The models used in these plots are those with relatively high ejecta masses: APR4-1215 (NS-NS, [48]), H4Q3a75 (BH-NS, [59]), and a wind model with (this paper). The H4Q3a75 model is a merger of a 1.35 NS and a 4.05 BH with a spin parameter of . This model adopts a “stiff” EOS H4 [65, 66] which gives a 13.6 km radius for 1.35 NS. For GRB 130603B, the afterglow component is assumed to be [67, 68]. For GRB 060614, it is assumed to be [69], which is a conservative choice (see [70] for a possibility of a steeper decline). The observed and model magnitudes for GRB 060614 are given in the Vega system as in the literature [70].