
We study the behavior at infinity in time of any global solution 𝜃𝒞(+,̇𝐻22𝛼(2)) of the surface quasigeostrophic equation with subcritical exponent 2/3𝛼1. We prove that lim𝑡𝜃(𝑡)̇𝐻22𝛼=0. Moreover, we prove also the nonhomogeneous version of the previous result, and we prove that if 𝜃𝒞(+,̇𝐻22𝛼(2)) is a global solution, then lim𝑡𝜃(𝑡)𝐻22𝛼=0.

1. Introduction

We consider the 2𝐷 dissipative quasi-geostrophic equation with subcritical exponent 1/2<𝛼1, 𝜕𝑡𝜃+(Δ)𝛼𝜃+(𝑢)𝜃=0in+×2,𝜃(0,𝑥)=𝜃0(𝑥)in2,(𝒮𝛼) where 𝑥2, 𝑡>0, 𝜃=𝜃(𝑥,𝑡) is the unknown potential temperature, and 𝑢=(𝑢1,𝑢2) is the divergence free velocity which is determined by the Riesz transformation of 𝜃 in the following way: 𝑢1=2𝜃=𝜕2(Δ)1/2𝑢𝜃,2=1𝜃=𝜕1(Δ)1/2𝜃.(1.1) This equation is a two-dimensional model of the 3𝐷 incompressible Euler equations, and if 𝛼=1, the equation (𝒮1) is the 2𝐷 Navier-Stokes equation. We refer the reader to [1] where the authors explain the physical origin and the signification of the parameters of this equation.

The critical homogeneous Sobolev space of the system (𝒮𝛼) is ̇𝐻22𝛼(2), and we have 𝜆2𝛼1𝑓(𝜆.)̇𝐻22𝛼=𝑓̇𝐻22𝛼,𝜆>0.(1.2)

The local well-posedness of (𝒮𝛼) with ̇𝐻22𝛼(2) data is established by [2] and [3] separately if 𝛼(0,1/2]. In [4], Dong and Du study the critical case 𝛼=1/2 in the critical space ̇𝐻1(2). They prove the global existence if the initial condition is in the critical space 𝐻1(2).

The global existence when 𝛼(1/2,1] is an open problem. We have only the local existence. In this case [5], Niche and Schonbek prove that if the initial data 𝜃0 is in 𝐿2(2), then the 𝐿2 norm of the solution tends to zero but with no uniform rate, that is, there are solutions with arbitrary slow decay. If 𝜃0𝐿𝑝(2), with 1𝑝2, they obtain a uniform decay rate in 𝐿2. They consider also the solution in other 𝐿𝑞 spaces. For the proof of their results, they use the kernel 𝑃𝛼(𝑡,𝑥) associated to the operator 𝜕𝑡+(Δ)𝛼, and they use the Littlewood-Paley decomposition. Our main result is the following.

Theorem 1.1. Assume that 2/3𝛼1.(i)If 𝜃𝒞(+,̇𝐻22𝛼(2)) is a global solution of (𝒮𝛼), then lim𝑡𝜃(𝑡)̇𝐻22𝛼=0.(1.3)(ii)If 𝜃𝒞(+,𝐻22𝛼(2)) is a global solution of (𝒮𝛼), then lim𝑡𝜃(𝑡)𝐻22𝛼=0.(1.4)

2. Notations and Preliminary Results

2.1. Notations and Technical Lemmas

In this short section, we collect some notations and definitions that will be used later, and we give some technical lemmas.(i)The Fourier transformation in 2 is normalized as (𝑓)(𝜉)=𝑓(𝜉)=2𝜉exp(𝑖𝑥𝜉)𝑓(𝑥)𝑑𝑥,𝜉=1,𝜉22.(2.1)(ii)The inverse Fourier formula is 1(𝑔)(𝑥)=(2𝜋)22𝑥exp(𝑖𝜉𝑥)𝑓(𝜉)𝑑𝜉,𝑥=1,𝑥22.(2.2)(iii)For 𝑠, 𝐻𝑠(2) denotes the usual nonhomogeneous Sobolev space on 2 and ,𝐻𝑠(2) its scalar product.(iv)For 𝑠, ̇𝐻𝑠(2) denotes the usual homogeneous Sobolev space on 2 and ,̇𝐻𝑠(2) its scalar product.(v)For 𝑠,𝑠 and 𝑡[0,1],𝑓𝐻𝑡𝑠+(1𝑡)𝑠𝑓𝑡𝐻𝑠𝑓𝐻1𝑡𝑠,(2.3)𝑓̇𝐻𝑡𝑠+(1𝑡)𝑠𝑓𝑡̇𝐻𝑠𝑓̇𝐻1𝑡𝑠.(2.4) These two inequalities are called the interpolation inequalities, respectively, in the homogeneous and nonhomogeneous Sobolev spaces.(i)For any Banach space (𝐵,), any real number 1𝑝, and any time 𝑇>0, we denote by 𝐿𝑝𝑇(𝐵) the space of measurable functions 𝑡[0,𝑇]𝑓(𝑡)𝐵 such that (𝑡𝑓(𝑡))𝐿𝑝([0,𝑇]).(ii)If 𝑓=(𝑓1,𝑓2) and 𝑔=(𝑔1,𝑔2) are two vector fields, we set𝑔𝑓𝑔=1𝑓,𝑔2𝑓,𝑔div(𝑓𝑔)=div1𝑓𝑔,div2𝑓.(2.5) We recall a fundamental lemma concerning some product laws in homogeneous Sobolev spaces.

Lemma 2.1 (see [6]). Let 𝑠1, 𝑠2 be two real numbers such that 𝑠1<1,𝑠1+𝑠2>0.(2.6) There exists a constant 𝐶=𝐶(𝑠1,𝑠2), such that for all ̇𝐻𝑓,𝑔𝑠1(2̇𝐻)𝑠22), 𝑓𝑔̇𝐻𝑠12+𝑠1(2)𝐶𝑓̇𝐻𝑠1(2)𝑔̇𝐻𝑠2+𝑓̇𝐻𝑠2𝑔̇𝐻𝑠1.(2.7) If 𝑠1,𝑠2<1 and 𝑠1+𝑠2>0, there exists a constant 𝑐=𝑐(𝑠1,𝑠2) such that for all ̇𝐻𝑓𝑠1(2) and ̇𝐻𝑔𝑠22), 𝑓𝑔̇𝐻𝑠12+𝑠1(2)𝑐𝑓̇𝐻𝑠1𝑔̇𝐻𝑠2.(2.8)

For the proof of the main result, we need the following lemma.

Lemma 2.2. With the same conditions of Theorem 1.1, for all 𝜎0, 2||𝜉||2𝜎||||((𝑢)𝜃)(𝑤)𝑑𝜉𝐶𝜃̇𝐻22𝛼𝜃̇𝐻𝜎+𝛼𝑤̇𝐻𝜎+𝛼.(2.9)

Remark 2.3. (i) In the case where 𝜎=0, the formula (2.9) gives 2||||((𝑢)𝜃)(𝑤)𝑑𝜉𝐶𝜃̇𝐻22𝛼𝜃̇𝐻𝛼𝑤̇𝐻𝛼.(2.10)
In the case where 𝜎=22𝛼, the formula (2.9) gives 2||𝜉||2(22𝛼)||||((𝑢)𝜃)(𝑤)𝑑𝜉𝐶𝜃̇𝐻22𝛼𝜃̇𝐻2𝛼𝑤̇𝐻2𝛼.(2.11)

Proof of Lemma 2.2. From the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, we have 2||𝜉||2𝜎||||((𝑢)𝜃)(𝑤)𝑑𝜉2||𝜉||𝜎𝛼||||||𝜉||((𝑢)𝜃)𝜎+𝛼||||(𝑤)(𝜉)𝑑𝜉2||𝜉||2(𝜎𝛼)||||((𝑢)𝜃)2𝑑𝜉1/2𝑤̇𝐻𝜎+𝛼.(2.12) Using the weak derivatives properties, the product laws (Lemma 2.1), with 𝑠1+𝑠2=𝜎𝛼+2>0, 𝑠1=22𝛼<1, and 𝑠2=𝜎+𝛼, we can dominate the nonlinear part as follows: 2||𝜉||2(𝜎𝛼)||||((𝑢)𝜃)2𝑑𝜉2||𝜉||2(𝜎𝛼+1)||||(𝜃)|(𝜃)|2𝑑𝜉𝐶𝜃2̇𝐻22𝛼𝜃2̇𝐻𝜎+𝛼.(2.13)

2.2. Existence Theorem

In [7], Wu proves an existence and uniqueness theorem of (𝒮𝛼) in the well-known Besov spaces ̇𝐵𝑟𝑝,𝑞. We recall this theorem in the special case, where 𝑝=𝑞=2.

Theorem 2.4. Assume that 𝛼(0,1] and 𝜃0̇𝐻22𝛼(2), then there exists a constant 𝑐𝛼>0 such that if 𝜃0̇𝐻22𝛼<𝑐𝛼,(2.14) then the initial value problem (𝒮𝛼) has a unique solution in 𝒞𝑏(+,̇𝐻22𝛼(2))𝐿2(+,̇𝐻2𝛼(2)). Moreover, 𝜃(𝑡)2̇𝐻22𝛼+𝑡0𝜃(𝜏)2̇𝐻2𝛼𝑑𝜏𝑐𝛼,𝑡0,(2.15) where 𝒞𝑏(+,̇𝐻22𝛼(2)) is the space of continuous and bounded functions from + to ̇𝐻22𝛼(2).

In use of the fact that ̇𝐻22𝛼(2) is a Hilbert space, one deduces the following.

Corollary 2.5. Assume that 𝛼(1/2,1] and 𝜃0̇𝐻22𝛼(2), then there exists a constant 𝑐𝛼>0 such that if 𝜃0̇𝐻22𝛼<𝑐𝛼,(2.16) then the initial value problem (𝒮𝛼) has a unique solution in 𝒞𝑏(+,̇𝐻22𝛼(2))𝐿2(+,̇𝐻2𝛼(2)). Moreover, 𝜃(𝑡)2̇𝐻22𝛼+𝑡0𝜃(𝜏)2̇𝐻2𝛼𝜃𝑑𝜏02̇𝐻22𝛼,𝑡0.(2.17)

Proof . Taking the scalar product in ̇𝐻22𝛼(2), we get 12𝜕𝑡𝜃2̇𝐻22𝛼+𝜃2̇𝐻2𝛼||(𝑢)𝜃,𝜃̇𝐻22𝛼||||div(𝜃𝑢),𝜃̇𝐻22𝛼||div(𝜃𝑢)̇𝐻23𝛼𝜃̇𝐻2𝛼𝜃𝑢̇𝐻33𝛼𝜃̇𝐻2𝛼.(2.18)
Using Lemma 2.1 with 𝑠1=22𝛼<1 and 𝑠2=2𝛼, we obtain 12𝜕𝑡𝜃2̇𝐻22𝛼+𝜃2̇𝐻2𝛼𝐶𝛼𝜃̇𝐻22𝛼𝜃2̇𝐻2𝛼,𝐶𝛼=12𝑐𝛼.(2.19) Then the quadratic term can be absorbed, 12𝜕𝑡𝜃2̇𝐻22𝛼+𝜃2̇𝐻2𝛼0.(2.20) Taking the integral on the interval [0,𝑡], we obtain 𝜃(𝑡)2̇𝐻22𝛼+𝑡0𝜃(𝜏)2̇𝐻2𝛼𝜃𝑑𝜏02̇𝐻22𝛼,𝑡0.(2.21)

3. Proof of the Main Theorem

The proof of the first part will be in two steps.

First Step (Small Initial Data)
In this case, we suppose that 𝜃0̇𝐻22𝛼<𝑐𝛼,(3.1) with 𝑐𝛼 a sufficient small number. Then from Corollary 2.5, 𝜃𝒞𝑏+,̇𝐻22𝛼2𝐿2+,̇𝐻2𝛼2,(3.2)𝜃2̇𝐻22𝛼+𝑡0𝜃2̇𝐻2𝛼𝜃02̇𝐻22𝛼,𝑡0.(3.3)
For a strictly positive real number 𝛿 and a given distribution 𝑓, we define the operators 𝐴𝛿(𝐷) and 𝐵𝛿(𝐷), respectively, by the following: 𝐴𝛿(𝐷)𝑓=𝜒𝐵(0,𝛿)||𝐷||𝑓=1𝜒𝐵(0,𝛿),𝐵(𝑓)𝛿(𝐷)𝑓=1𝐴𝛿(𝐷)𝑓=11𝜒𝐵(0,𝛿).(𝑓)(3.4) We define 𝑤𝛿=𝐴𝛿(𝐷)𝜃 and 𝑣𝛿=𝐵𝛿(𝐷)𝜃; (𝜃)=(𝑤𝛿)+(𝑣𝛿). Then, 𝜕𝑡𝑤𝛿+(Δ)𝛼𝑤𝛿+𝐴𝛿𝜕(𝐷)(𝑢𝜃)=0,𝑡𝑤𝛿2̇𝐻22𝛼𝑤+2𝛿2̇𝐻2𝛼𝐶𝜃̇𝐻22𝛼𝜃̇𝐻2𝛼𝑤𝛿̇𝐻2𝛼.(3.5) We deduce that 𝑤𝛿2̇𝐻22𝛼𝑤𝛿(0)2̇𝐻22𝛼+𝐶𝜃(0)̇𝐻22𝛼0𝜃̇𝐻2𝛼𝑤𝛿̇𝐻2𝛼𝑑𝜏.(3.6) Since 𝑤𝛿̇𝐻2𝛼𝜃̇𝐻2𝛼, then from the dominate convergence theorem and (3.3), we have lim𝛿0Sup𝑡0𝑤𝛿̇𝐻22𝛼=0.(3.7) The function 𝑣𝛿 satisfies 𝜕𝑡𝑣𝛿+(Δ)𝛼𝑣𝛿+𝐵𝛿𝜕(𝐷)(𝑢𝜃)=0,𝑡||𝑣𝛿||2||𝜉||+22𝛼||𝑣𝛿||2||𝑣(𝑢𝜃)𝛿||.(3.8) Multiplying this equation by |𝜉|2(22𝛼)𝑒2𝑡|𝜉|2𝛼, we deduce that 𝑣𝛿2̇𝐻22𝛼|𝜉|>𝛿||𝜉||2(22𝛼)𝑒2𝑡|𝜉|2𝛼||𝑣0𝛿||2+𝑡0|𝜉|>𝛿||𝜉||2(22𝛼)𝑒2(𝑡𝜏)|𝜉|2𝛼||𝑣(𝑢𝜃)𝛿||𝑑𝜉𝑑𝜏𝑒2𝑡𝛿2𝛼𝑣0𝛿2̇𝐻22𝛼+𝐶𝑡0𝑒2(𝑡𝜏)𝛿2𝛼𝜉||𝜉||2(22𝛼)||𝑣(𝑢𝜃)𝛿||𝑑𝜉𝑑𝜏.(3.9) Using Remark 2.3 and (3.3), we get 𝑣𝛿2̇𝐻22𝛼𝑒2𝑡𝛿2𝛼𝑣0𝛿2̇𝐻22𝛼𝜃+𝐶0̇𝐻22𝛼𝑡0𝑒2(𝑡𝜏)𝛿2𝛼𝜃2̇𝐻2𝛼𝑑𝜏.(3.10) We set 𝐹𝛿(𝑡)=𝑒2𝑡𝛿2𝛼𝑣0𝛿2̇𝐻22𝛼𝜃+𝐶0̇𝐻22𝛼𝑡0𝑒2(𝑡𝜏)𝛿2𝛼𝜃2̇𝐻2𝛼𝑑𝜏,0+𝑒2𝑡𝛿2𝛼𝑣0𝛿2̇𝐻22𝛼𝑣𝑑𝑡=0𝛿2̇𝐻22𝛼2𝛿2𝛼𝜃02̇𝐻22𝛼2𝛿2𝛼,0+𝑡0𝑒2(𝑡𝜏)𝛿2𝛼𝜃2̇𝐻2𝛼𝑑𝜏𝑑𝑡=0+𝜏+𝑒2(𝑡𝜏)𝛿2𝛼𝑑𝑡𝜃2̇𝐻2𝛼=1𝑑𝜏2𝛿2𝛼0+𝜃2̇𝐻2𝛼𝜃𝑑𝑡02̇𝐻22𝛼4𝛿2𝛼.(3.11) Then, 0+𝐹𝛿𝜃(𝑡)𝑑𝑡02̇𝐻22𝛼𝛿2𝛼.(3.12) Let 𝜀>0, from (3.7), there exists 𝛿0>0 such that 𝑤𝛿0̇𝐻22𝛼𝜀2,𝑡0.(3.13) Let 𝐸𝛿0={𝑡0;𝑣𝛿0̇𝐻22𝛼>𝜀/2}, then 0+𝑣𝛿02̇𝐻22𝛼𝑑𝑡𝐸𝛿0𝑣𝛿02̇𝐻22𝛼𝜀𝑑𝑡22𝜆1𝐸𝛿0,(3.14) where 𝜆1(𝐸𝛿0) is the Lebesgue measure of 𝐸𝛿0. If 𝑇𝜀=2𝜀20+𝑣𝛿02̇𝐻22𝛼𝑑𝑡,(3.15) then 𝜆1(𝐸𝛿0)𝑇𝜀. For 𝜂>0, there exists 𝑡0[0,𝑇𝜀+𝜂] such that 𝑡0𝐸𝛿0, and it results that 𝑣𝛿0𝑡0̇𝐻22𝛼𝜀2.(3.16) Equation (3.13) and (3.16) give that 𝜃𝑡0̇𝐻22𝛼𝜀.(3.17) Thus, lim𝑡+𝜃(𝑡)̇𝐻22𝛼=0, and this finishes the proof in this case.

Second Step (Large Initial Data)
To prove the result for any initial data, it suffices to prove the existence of some 𝑡00 such that 𝜃𝑡0̇𝐻22𝛼<𝑐𝛼.(3.18) Let 𝜃0=𝑎0+𝑟0, with 𝑎0=1𝟏{1/𝑁<|𝜉|<𝑁}𝜃0,𝑟0=𝜃0𝑎0,𝑟0̇𝐻22𝛼<𝑐𝛼.(3.19)
Now, consider the following system: 𝜕𝑡𝑟+(Δ)𝛼𝑟+(𝑅)𝑟=0in+×2,𝑟(0)=𝑟0in2,𝑅=Δ1/2𝑟.(3.20) By Corollary 2.5, there is a unique solution 𝑟𝒞𝑏(+,̇𝐻22𝛼(2))𝐿2(+,̇𝐻2𝛼(2)) such that (𝑟𝑡)2̇𝐻22𝛼+𝑡0(𝑟𝜏)2̇𝐻2𝛼𝑟𝑑𝜏02̇𝐻22𝛼.(3.21) Let 𝑎=𝜃𝑟𝒞(+,̇𝐻22𝛼(2)), then 𝑎 is a solution of the following system: 𝜕𝑡𝑎+(Δ)𝛼𝑎+(𝐴)𝑎+(𝐴)𝑟+(𝑅)𝑎=0in+×2,𝑎(0)=𝑎0in2,𝐴=Δ1/2𝑎.(S1) Taking a scalar product in 𝐿2(2), we obtain 𝜕𝑡𝑎(𝑡)2𝐿2+2𝑎(𝑡)2̇𝐻𝛼||||22||||||||(𝐴)𝑟𝑎22||||div(𝑟𝐴)𝑎2𝑟𝐴̇𝐻1𝛼𝑎̇𝐻𝛼.(3.22) Using the product law in Lemma 2.1, with 𝑠1=22𝛼<1 and 𝑠2=𝛼<1, ||(𝐴)𝑟,𝑎𝐿2(2)||𝐶(𝛼)𝑟̇𝐻22𝛼𝐴̇𝐻𝛼𝑎̇𝐻𝛼𝐶(𝛼)𝑟̇𝐻22𝛼𝑎2̇𝐻𝛼𝑎2̇𝐻𝛼,(3.23) then, for all 𝑡0, 𝜕𝑡𝑎(𝑡)2𝐿2+𝑎(𝑡)2̇𝐻𝛼(0,𝑎𝑡)2𝐿2+𝑡0(𝑎𝜏)2̇𝐻𝛼𝑎𝑑𝜏02𝐿2,(3.24) then 22𝛼=𝜆×0+(1𝜆)𝛼, with 𝜆=3(2/𝛼)[0,1], 𝑎(𝑡)̇𝐻22𝛼𝑎(𝑡)𝐿32/𝛼2𝑎(𝑡)̇𝐻2/𝛼2𝛼𝑎0𝐿32/𝛼2𝑎(𝑡)̇𝐻2/𝛼2𝛼.(3.25) Then, 0𝑎(𝑡)̇𝐻𝛼/(1𝛼)22𝛼𝑎𝑑𝑡0𝐿1/(1𝛼)2.(3.26) Now define the set 𝑆𝜀=𝑡0;𝑎(𝑡)̇𝐻22𝛼>𝜀(3.27) as a measurable with respect to the Lebesgue measure. We have 𝜀𝛼/(1𝛼)𝜆1𝑆𝜀𝑆𝜀(𝑎𝑡)̇𝐻𝛼/(1𝛼)22𝛼𝑎𝑑𝑡0𝐿1/(1𝛼)2.(3.28) So 𝜆1(𝑆𝜀)< and 𝜆1(𝑆𝜀)𝜀𝛼/(1𝛼)𝑎0𝐿1/(1𝛼)2, then there is 𝑡00,𝜆1𝑆𝜀+1𝑆𝜀.(3.29) Then, 𝑎𝑡0̇𝐻22𝛼<𝜀,(3.30) and then 𝜃𝑡0̇𝐻22𝛼𝑟𝑡0̇𝐻22𝛼+𝑎𝑡0̇𝐻22𝛼<𝜀2+𝜀2=𝜀.(3.31)

Applying the conclusion of Theorem 1.1 for (𝒮𝛼) system starting at 𝜃(𝑡0), we can deduce the desired result.

In the nonhomogeneous case, we suppose that 𝜃𝒞(+,𝐻22𝛼), then lim𝑡𝜃(𝑡)̇𝐻22𝛼=0.(3.32)

We can suppose that 𝜃̇𝐻22𝛼<𝑐𝛼, and for all 𝑡0, (𝜃𝑡)2̇𝐻22𝛼+𝑡0(𝜃𝜏)2̇𝐻2𝛼𝜃𝑑𝜏02̇𝐻22𝛼.(3.33)

Thus, it suffices to prove that lim𝑡𝜃(𝑡)𝐿2=0.(3.34)

Let 𝛿>0, then we recall the operators 𝐴𝛿(𝐷)𝜃=1𝜒𝐵(0,𝛿),𝐵(𝜃)𝛿(𝐷)𝜃=11𝜒𝐵(0,𝛿).(𝜃)(3.35) We define 𝑤𝛿=𝐴𝛿(𝐷)(𝜃) and 𝑣𝛿=𝐵𝛿(𝐷)(𝜃). Then, 𝜕𝑡𝑤𝛿+(Δ)𝛼𝑤𝛿+𝐴𝛿𝑢(𝐷)𝜃𝜃=0,(3.36) and from Lemma 2.2, 𝜕𝑡𝑤𝛿2𝐿2𝑤+2𝛿2̇𝐻𝛼𝐶𝜃̇𝐻22𝛼.𝜃̇𝐻𝛼𝑤𝛿̇𝐻𝛼.(3.37) We deduce that 𝑤𝛿2𝐿2𝑤𝛿(0)2𝐿2𝜃+𝐶0̇𝐻22𝛼0+𝜃̇𝐻𝛼𝑤𝛿̇𝐻𝛼𝑑𝜏.(3.38) Then from the dominate convergence theorem and the following 𝐿2energy estimate 𝜃2𝐿2+2𝑡0𝜃2̇𝐻𝛼𝜃𝑑𝜏02𝐿2,(3.39) we deduce that lim𝛿0Sup𝑡0𝑤𝛿𝐿2𝜕=0,𝑡𝑣𝛿+(Δ)𝛼𝑣𝛿+𝐵𝛿𝑢(𝐷)𝜃𝜕𝜃=0,(3.40)𝑡||𝑣𝛿||2||𝜉||+22𝛼||𝑣𝛿||2||𝑣(𝑢𝜃)𝛿||.(3.41)

Multiplying this equation by 𝑒2𝑡|𝜉|2𝛼, we have𝑣𝛿2𝐿2𝑒2𝑡𝛿2𝛼𝑣0𝛿2𝐿2+𝐶𝑡0𝑒2(𝑡𝜏)𝛿2𝛼||||𝑢𝜃𝑣𝛿||||2𝐿22𝑑𝜏𝑒2𝑡𝛿2𝛼𝑣0𝛿2𝐿2𝜃+𝐶0̇𝐻22𝛼𝑡0𝑒2(𝑡𝜏)𝛿2𝛼𝜃2̇𝐻𝛼𝑑𝜏.(3.42) We set 𝐹𝛿(𝑡)=𝑒2𝑡𝛿2𝛼𝑣0𝛿2𝐿2𝜃+𝐶0̇𝐻22𝛼𝑡0𝑒2(𝑡𝜏)𝛿2𝛼𝜃2̇𝐻𝛼𝑑𝜏,0+𝑒2𝑡𝛿2𝛼𝑣0𝛿2𝐿2𝜃𝑑𝑡=02𝐿22𝛿2𝛼,0+𝑡0𝑒2(𝑡𝜏)𝛿2𝛼𝜃2̇𝐻𝛼𝑑𝜏𝑑𝑡=0+𝜏+𝑒2(𝑡𝜏)𝛿2𝛼𝑑𝑡𝜃2̇𝐻𝛼=1𝑑𝜏2𝛿2𝛼0+𝜃2̇𝐻𝛼𝜃𝑑𝑡02𝐿22𝛿2𝛼.(3.43) Then,0+𝐹𝛿𝜃(𝑡)𝑑𝑡02𝐿2𝛿2𝛼.(3.44) Let 𝜀>0, from (3.40), then there exists 𝛿0>0 such that 𝑤𝛿0𝐿2𝜀2,𝑡0.(3.45) Let 𝐸𝛿0={𝑡0;𝑣𝛿0𝐿2>𝜀/2}, then 0+𝑣𝛿02𝐿2𝑑𝑡𝐸𝛿0𝑣𝛿02𝐿2𝜀𝑑𝑡22𝜆1𝐸𝛿0,(3.46) where 𝜆1(𝐸𝛿0) is the Lebesgue measure of 𝐸𝛿0. If 𝑇𝜀=2𝜀20+𝑣𝛿02𝐿2𝑑𝑡,(3.47) then 𝜆1(𝐸𝛿0)𝑇𝜀. For 𝜂>0, there exists 𝑡0[0,𝑇𝜀+𝜂] such that 𝑡0𝐸𝛿0, then 𝑣𝛿0𝑡0𝐿2𝜀2.(3.48) The equations (3.45) and (3.48) give that 𝜃𝑡0𝐿2<𝜀.(3.49) Thus, lim𝑡+𝜃(𝑡)𝐿2=0, and this finishes the proof.


This research is supported by NPST Program of King Saud University, project number 10-MAT1293-02. The authors thank the referee for his/her careful reading of the paper and corrections.