Research Article

Dynamics and Biocontrol: The Indirect Effects of a Predator Population on a Host-Vector Disease Model

Table 1

Definition of parameters and values used in simulations (time unit is selected as day).

ParameterDescriptionEstimated value/rangeResource

Natural death rate of plants 0.003 [38]
Disease-induced mortality rate of plants 0.003 [38]
Per capita rate of contacts on plant hosts by vectors1Assumed
The disease transmission probability from infected plant hosts to uninfected vectors
(=the acquisition rate of virus)
0.008 [38]
The disease transmission probability from infected vectors to uninfected plants
(=the inoculation rate of virus)
0.008 [38]
Vector carrying capacity 50Assumed
Total plant population 20Assumed
Intrinsic birth rate of vectors 0.2 [38]
Natural death rate of vectors 0.12 [38]
Natural birth rate of vectors0.32 [38]
Prey searching rate 0.1–0.65Assumed
Predator’s satiety rate 0.01–0.03Assumed
Predator’s conversation factor 0.15 [46]
Predator’s mortality rate 0.1 [46]