
We study stochastic partial differential equations with singular drifts and with reflection, driven by space-time white noise with nonconstant diffusion coefficients under periodic boundary conditions. The existence and uniqueness of invariant measures is established under appropriate conditions. As a byproduct, the Hölder continuity of the solution is obtained. The strong Feller property is also obtained. Moreover, we show large deviation principle.

1. Introduction

Stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs in short) with reflection can be used to model the evolution of random interfaces near a hard wall. Nualart and Pardoux [1] and Donati-Martin and Pardoux [2] introduced “reflection” to prevent stochastic heat equations from becoming negative, which could be viewed as an extension of one-dimensional stochastic differential equations reflected at 0. Funaki and Olla [3] considered fluctuations around the hydrodynamical limit of a Ginzburg-Landau interface model on a wall. When the interface touches the wall, it will be repulsed. They proved that the fluctuations of a interface model near a hard wall converge in law to the stationary solution of a SPDE with reflection. They also showed that SPDEs with reflection have natural and meaningful bases in statistical mechanics, like entropic repulsion phenomena in Deuschel and Giacomin [4] and in Lebowitz and Maes [5]. There are also various models using SPDEs with reflection, such as stochastic Cahn-Hilliard equations with reflection (see da Prato and Zabczyk [6] and Debussche and Zambotti [7]) and stochastic generalized porous media equations with reflection (see Röckner et al. [8]).

In the case considered here, two reflections have been added to our model (1), and it is believed that it is a natural extension of one reflection. There are some works on this topic recently; see [913].

Through introducing the drift , Mueller [14] gave a proof that solutions of SPDEs , where is non-Lipschitz, do not blow up in finite time. As a byproduct, it was proved that if , this drift forces solutions to stay positive with probability , and it was believed that this result “may be of interest.” Then Mueller and Pardoux [15] concentrated on the case when and showed that the solutions hit in finite time with positive probability. Thus, the case is the critical case for to hit zero and has been showed that it has essential relationship with reflections; for details, see Mueller [14], Mueller and Pardoux [15], and Zambotti [16, 17].

Inspired by these, our interest stays in studying SPDEs which have double smooth reflecting walls and and two singular drifts and , for all .

For the case , it is a quite interesting topic and needs more detailed studies. As an extension from one reflection (see Zambotti [16, 17]) to two-reflection case, one interesting problem is to find the explicit invariant probability measure and then study the detailed hitting properties of the solutions (see Dalang et al. [18]).

In this paper, we consider the following SPDEs: where , , , , , or denotes a circular ring and the random field is a regular Brownian sheet defined on a filtered probability space . The random forces and are added to (1) to prevent the solution from leaving the interval .

We assume that the reflecting walls are continuous functions satisfying the following.(H1) for .(H2)  , where is interpreted in a distributional sense.We also assume that the coefficients satisfy the following:(F1)there exists such that (F2)there exists such that The initial condition satisfies the following:(F3) satisfy , for .

The following is the definition of a solution of a SPDE with two reflecting walls .

Definition 1. A triplet is a solution to the SPDE (1) if(i) is a continuous, adapted random field (i.e., is -measurable ) satisfying a.s.;(ii) and are positive and adapted (i.e., and are -measurable if ) random measures on satisfying for ;(iii)for all and , one has where denotes the inner product in and denotes ;(iv)we consider the following:

For SPDEs without reflection, the existence and uniqueness of invariant measures has been studied by many people; see Sowers [19], Mueller [20], Peszat and Zabczyk [21], and da Prato and Zabczyk [6]. For SPDEs with reflection, when the diffusion coefficient is a constant, existence and uniqueness of invariant measures was obtained by Zambotti [16] and Otobe [10, 22], while the result was also obtained in [12] for the SPDE with a nonlinear diffusion coefficient by using coupling method. The strong Feller property of SPDEs has been studied by several authors; see Peszat and Zabczyk [21] and da Prato and Zabczyk [6]. The strong Feller property of SPDEs with reflection was proved in Zhang [23] and Yang and Zhang [12]. Moreover, with regard to the large deviations for the solution of the small noise perturbation of the equation, there exists a large amount of literature; see Dembo and Zeitouni [24] and references therein. For white noise-driven SPDEs, Sowers [19] and Cerrai and Röckner [25] set up some exponential estimates for proving large derivation principle. For SPDE with reflection, it is more efficient through the weak convergence approach; see Xu and Zhang [26] and, for the detail of this approach, the readers are referred to [27, 28].

All of the results mentioned above are devoted to the case of the Lipschitz coefficient. The purpose of this paper is to deal with SPDEs with reflection and singular drifts (1). The existence and uniqueness of the solution of (1) is established in [11]. We show in this paper the existence and uniqueness of invariant measures and the strong Feller property, as well as large deviation principle of (1). For the existence of invariant measures, our approach is to use the Krylov-Bogolyubov theorem. For the uniqueness, we adapted a coupling method used in [20]; also see [12]. The strong Feller property will be obtained by introducing a sequence of approximating solutions with the uniform strong Feller property and passing to the limit; also see [23]. For large deviation principle, we adopted weak convergence approach as in [26].

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The existence and uniqueness of invariant measures and the Hölder continuity will be solved in Section 2. Section 3 establishes the strong Feller property. In Section 4, we deal with large deviation principle.

2. Existence and Uniqueness of Invariant Measures

In the beginning of this section, we present the Hölder continuity of the solution of (1) which will be used in the proof of the existence of invariant measures.

Consider the penalized problem as follows: where with . Notice that is differentiable and .

We need three lemmas before we present the regularity result.

Lemma 2. Suppose the hypotheses (H1), (H2), and (F1)–(F3) hold. For any and , there exists such that and converges uniformly on to as a.s., where and are the solutions of (1) and the penalized SPDEs (7), respectively.

Proof. Without loss of generality, assume . By (H1), there exists such that . Set .
Let be the solution of equation Set . Note that is increasing with respect to and . From analogue method as the proof in Proposition 3.1 in [11], is a solution of equation
Assume ; we have hence If and , then, by (12), On the other hand, if and , then, by (11) and (12), Hence combining (13) and (14), implies
By (12) and (15), multiplying (10) by , we have Combining the fact that is increasing with respect to , we have . Hence
Similarly, setting , we can show that
Using a similar proof in Donati-Martin and Pardoux [2], it can be shown that ; hence the inequalities (17) and (18) imply Since is increasing as by the comparison theorem of SPDEs (see Theorem 2.1 in [2]), we can show exists a.s. and solves where . By Lemma 3.1 and Remark 3.1 of [11], we know that is decreasing as . Let be the solution of (9) replacing by . Setting , similar to (18), we can show In addition, by the fact that , exists a.s., and we can show is the solution of (1); see [11].
The continuity of can be proved similarly as in Theorem 4.1 of  [2]. The uniform convergence of with respect to follows from Dini's theorem.

Recall the following lemma from [29].

Lemma 3. Let satisfying Then, for , there exists such that where are constants only depending on and , respectively.

The following result is stated in [29].

Lemma 4. Let and with ; solves the equation with the homogeneous Dirichlet or Neumann boundary as follows: then .

Theorem 5. Let be the solution of (1). Denote Here is the fundamental solution of the heat equation on . Then, for any , there exists a finite random variable , which is independent of , such that, for , and, for any ,
Moreover, if , then, for , there exists a finite random variable , which is dependent on , such that for , and for any ,

Note. denote the space of Hölder continuous functions on with Hölder exponent , equipped with the norm

Proof. The scheme of verifying inequality (26) is similar to that in [29]. For reader's convenience, we write the proof in detail.
Define the stochastic convolution as follows: Here is the solution of (7).
By Lemma 2 and using similar arguments as Lemma 2.1 of [29], we have that, for any , there exists a random variable such that, for any , and for any
Let , and resolve into determine part and stochastic part; that is, where is the unique solution of the following PDE: and is defined in (31), . Let , which depends on and will be determined later. Denote by the unique solution of (35) replacing by .
As similar proof in Proposition 3.1 in [11], we obtain
Also, Lemma 2 implies that And so
Differentiating in (35), and satisfy, respectively,
Therefore, from Lemmas 3 and 4, we get
In view of (34), (36), (38), and (40), one has Set and ; then where and, for , . This yields, for , By Lemma 2, we obtain from (43) that
Applying a variant of Garsia's lemma (see Proposition and Corollary in [30]), we conclude that Since can be chosen to be arbitrarily large and to be as close to 1 as one wants, we have (26).
By Lemma 2.2 of [31], for any , and combining (26), we have (28).
The proof is complete.

Denote by the -field of all Borel subsets of and by the set of all probability measures defined on . We denote by the solution of (1) and by the corresponding transition function where is the initial condition. For , we set where .

Theorem 6. Suppose the hypotheses (H1), (H2), and (F1)–(F3) hold. Then there exists an invariant measure to (1) on for all , , and .

Proof. According to the Krylov-Bogolyubov theorem (see [6]), if there exists such that the family is uniformly tight, then there exists an invariant measure for (1). We need to show that for any there is a compact set such that where . On the other hand, for any , we have by the Markov property
Thus it is enough to show , for any . As , it suffices to find a compact subset such that
Put Then solves a random obstacle problem.
By the Arzela-Ascoli theorem, for all , is a compact subset of . In view of (26), we see that, for given , there exists such that Let which is a compact subset in ; we obtain , for all with .
Also, it is easy to see that there is a compact subset such that Define . We have for all with . This finishes the proof.

The following result is the uniqueness of invariant measures.

Theorem 7. Under the assumptions in Theorem 6 and the fact that for some constant , there is a unique invariant measure for (1) for all , , and .

Proof of Theorem 7. To prove the uniqueness, we apply coupling method to SPDEs with reflection and singular terms; see in [20] or in [12]. Suppose there are two invariant probabilities and which are distributions of initial values and , respectively. And so and have these distributions for any . Then the total variation distance between and satisfies
Consider the following SPDEs: where are two independent space-time white noises defined on the same probability space . The existence of solutions of (58) can be obtained by a similar method as that in the paper [11]. Indeed, is the limit of the following SPDEs with Lipschitz diffusion coefficients: where and .
Therefore, in order to get the uniqueness of invariant measure, it is enough to show for given two initial functions and .
Using a similar argument as in the proof of Theorem 2.2 in [12], the details of which we omit, it suffices to establish the following equation when , : where and is a continuous, adapted, and nonincreasing process.
In view of the reflection and singular terms, we will construct approximating solutions of uniform convergence limits. Consider the following approximating SPDEs: where is the same as in (7).
When , , we have which can be shown as Lemma 3.1 in [20]. Also, we will assume that is nonincreasing. Otherwise, consider and , where is the Lipschitz constant in (F1). Then the new drift term is nonincreasing. Thus,
Now we only need as which will be shown in the lemma below. Letting in the relation of from (63) and then sending to , we obtain (61). The proof is complete.

Lemma 8. in probability on , for any , as .

Proof. Consider the following SPDE: Denote the solution by . Let ; here and satisfy, respectively, Similarly, define and satisfy, respectively, Then .
From similar proof in Proposition 3.1 in [11], one has Thus, Now we will show that in probability as .
As the similar proof in Donati-Martin and Pardoux [2], it can be shown that , for arbitrarily large and any . Set the stopping time . For fixed , we have where the constants change in each line and as because of Lemma 2. By the Gronwall inequality, we get as . Hence, . So in probability. In fact, for every , set the event ,
Since we can apply Lemma 2 to conclude that , uniformly on as . Therefore, in probability on as .

3. Strong Feller Property

In this section, we consider the strong Feller property of the solution of (1). Let . If (the Banach space of all real bounded Borel functions, endowed with the sup norm), we define, for , , and , .

Theorem 9. Under the hypotheses (H1), (H2), and (F1)–(F3) and the fact that , for some constants , for any , there exists a constant such that, for all and , for with , where . In particular, is strong Feller.

Proof. Choose a nonnegative function with and denote
So are smooth with respect to and , , and as .
Using similar arguments as in [23], we can show that, for any fixed and ,
Furthermore, in view of Lemma in [6] and Lemma 2, it is enough to prove that there exists a constant , independent of and , such that where and .
From Theorem in [6], is continuously differentiable with respect to . Denote by the directional derivative of at in the direction of and it satisfies the mild form of a SPDE as follows: Since , we use similar arguments as that in [23] to get where is a constant. By Elworthy-Li formula (Lemma in [6]), we obtain This implies inequality (77) which completes the proof.

4. Large Deviation Principle

We consider a small perturbation of the equation of (1); that is, As a similar discussion in [11], for any , there exists a continuous solution satisfying The Cameron-Martin space associated with the white noise is given by endowed with norm .

Consider the following PDE (the skeleton equation): As the analogous discussion in [11], for any , there exists a continuous solution satisfying

We state our main result in this section.

Theorem 10. The laws of the satisfy a large deviation principle on with the rate function with the convention ; that is,(i)for any closed subset , (ii)for any open set ,

Proof. In order to prove Theorem 10, by Theorem 4.4 in [27], it suffices to check the following.(i)For any is a continuous mapping from into .(ii)For a family , where , , that converges in distribution to , converges in distribution to , where solves the following SPDE:
Let with . In terms of (36), we have
Proof of (i). We need to prove that, for fixed , where are the solution of (84) associated with , respectively. Let with . In terms of (36), we have We know
Then using Gronwall's inequality, we obtain Proof of (ii). It is similar to that in [26] with the help of inequality (91).
Thus the proof of Theorem 10 is completed.

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.


The authors are grateful to the anonymous referees for their valuable comments and suggestions. This work was supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, no. 2013RC0906, and by NSFC, nos. 11101419 and 11371362.