Research Article

Applying Data Clustering Feature to Speed Up Ant Colony Optimization

Algorithm 2

Input parameters:
: Training Set
: The initial number of classes.
: The stop threshold for clustering.
Num: The final number of classes.
CLS: The partition of    , in which each class is com-pact.
SLC Algorithm:
Step  1. Initialization: Let   ,   ,   , and .
Step  2. For ( ) /*Note: denotes the integer */
Step  2.1. Generate initial centroids set   .
Step  2.2. Call Subroutine1
Step  2.3.   ;
Step  2.4. ;
 /* Note: Increase to get smaller compact class */
Step  2.5.   ;  
Step  3. Every residual point in the last set     is regarded as a class   . And let   .
Let  Num  denote the number of classes contained in  CLS. The two outputs are  CLS  and Num.