Research Article

A Compact-Type CIP Method for General Korteweg-de Vries Equation

Table 1

Numerical errors and orders of CIP-HOC method for the KdV equation (29).

error order error order Cost(s)

20 ā€‰ ā€‰1.9968246 0.6627258 0.5745942
40 2.12 2.39 1.9996543 0.6663460 0.5774709
80 2.65 2.73 1.9999840 0.6666518 0.5777566
160 2.93 2.98 1.9999984 0.6666662 0.5777761
320 2.99 2.99 1.9999988 0.6666667 0.5777776