
We study a stochastic partial differential equation in the whole space , with arbitrary dimension , driven by fractional noise and a pure jump Lévy space-time white noise. Our equation involves a fractional derivative operator. Under some suitable assumptions, we establish the existence and uniqueness of the global mild solution via fixed point principle.

1. Introduction

Let , , , and be the nonlocal fractional differential operator defined by where denotes the fractional differential derivative with respect to the th coordinate defined via its Fourier transform by

In this paper, we are concerned with the following jump type stochastic partial differential equation (SPDE for abbreviation) with fractional noise: where , is a pure jump Lévy space-time white noise on defined on a complete probability space , and denotes the fractional noise on with multiparameter for and defined on a complete probability space (see Section 2 for precise definitions). Actually, we understand this equation as Walsh [1] sense, and so we can rewrite (3) as follows: for all and , where denotes the Green function associated with (3).

In the present paper, we are interested in the study of (3) with respect to -dimensional nonlocal fractional differential operator . Such operator is initially introduced by Debbi and Dozzi [2] for and is generalized by Boulanba et al. [3] for the multidimensional space . This operator is a generalization of various well-known operators, such as the Laplacian operator, the inverse of the generalized Riesz-Feller potential, and the Riemann-Liouville differential operator. In probabilistic terms, replacing the Laplacian by its fractional power (which is an integrodifferential operator) leads to interesting and largely open questions of extensions of results for Brownian motion driven stochastic equations to those driven by Lévy stable processes. In the physical literature, such fractal anomalous diffusions have been recently enthusiastically embraced by a slew of investigators in the context of hydrodynamics, acoustics, trapping effects in surface diffusion, statistical mechanics, relaxation phenomena, and biology. We refer the readers to [49] and references therein for more information about such fractional differential operator.

On the other hand, many researchers are interested in studying SPDES driven by a fractional noise. The heat equations with a multiparameter fractional noise of Hurst parameter on were introduced by Hu [10], and he showed the existence and uniqueness of the solutions to the equation, via chaos expansion. Wei [11] considered a class of four-order stochastic partial differential equations driven by the multiparameter fractional noise; the author studied the regularity of the solution and the existence of the density of the law of the solution. Hu and Nualart [12] studied the -dimensional stochastic heat equation with a multiplicative Gaussian noise which is white in space and has the covariance of a fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter in time. More works for the fields can be found in Balan and Tudor [13, 14], Bo et al. [15, 16], Jiang et al. [1719], and Shi and Wang [20] and the references therein. In the meanwhile, there also have been some works on SPDES involving Lévy space-time white noise (e.g., Albeverio et al. [21], Shi and Wang [22], Truman and Wu [23, 24], and Wu and Xie [25]). Løkka et al. [26] studied the stochastic partial differential equations driven by a -parameter pure jump Lévy white noise. As an example they used this theory to solve the stochastic Poisson equation with respect to Lévy white noise for any dimension . We notice that the fixed point principle and Picard iteration scheme work in Albeverio et al. [21] and Truman and Wu [23, 24], since Burkhölder-Davis-Gundy (B-D-G) inequality can be applied to estimate stochastic integral with respect to compensated Poisson random measure in -sense. Unfortunately, the usual B-D-G inequality cannot work in estimating stochastic integral with respect to compensated Poisson random measure in -sense ( ). Hence a new version of B-D-G inequality will be adopted for -estimates on the solution to (3) (see Bo and Wang [27]).

Motivated by the above results, in this paper, we study a stochastic fractional partial differential equation in the whole space , with arbitrary dimension , driven by fractional noise and a pure jump Lévy space-time white noise. The main subject of this paper is to establish the existence and uniqueness of the solution of (3) via fixed point principle.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we begin by making some notations and by recalling some basic preliminaries about fractional noises, Lévy space-time white noise, and Green function which will be needed later. In Section 3, we will prove the existence and uniqueness of the mild solution to (4) in sense under some approximate conditions. Most of the estimates of this paper contain unspecified constants. An unspecified positive and finite constant will be denoted by , which may not be the same in each occurrence. Sometimes we will emphasize the dependence of these constants upon parameters.

2. Preliminaries

In this section, we will present the definitions and some results of the multiparameter fractional noises, Lévy space-time white noise, and Green function.

2.1. Multiparameter Fractional Noises

Recall that a fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter on is a centered Gaussian process with covariance Following Hu [10] and Wei [11], we introduce a multiparameter fractional Brownian field.

Definition 1. A multiparameter fractional Brownian field with multiparameter for and is a centered Gaussian field defined on some probability space with covariance for all and , .

Throughout the paper, we limit our consideration on the multiparameter fractional Brownian field with parameter and .

Let Introduce the following Hilbert space: where and . Let ; one can define the following stochastic integral: (see, e.g., Hu [10]); it is easy to check that this integral has the usual properties as a stochastic integral.

Proposition 2. Let . Then(1) ,(2) .

The following embedding proposition which is an extension to the results in Mémin et al. [28] had been proved in Wei [11].

Lemma 3. Consider the following:
( ).

2.2. Lévy Space-Time White Noise

Let ,   , be two -finite measurable spaces. We call a Poisson noise on , if, for all , and , In particular, if , then define a compensated random martingale measure by by assuming that for all . Further, let be an -predictable function satisfying for all and . We can define a stochastic integral process which is a square integrable -martingale. It is well known that a (pure jump) Lévy space-time white noise possesses the following structure: for some such that and . Here are some measurable functions; and are the Radon-Nikodym derivatives given by with .

The following B-D-G inequality is given by Bo and Wang [27], which is useful to estimate the higher order moments of mild solution to (4).

Lemma 4. Let be -predictable and satisfy (13). Define the integral process by Then, for any and , there exists a constant such that

2.3. Green Function

In this subsection, we will introduce the nonlocal fractional differential operator defined by where , , and denotes the fractional differential derivative with respect to the th coordinate defined via its Fourier transform by In this paper, we will assume that , is the largest even integer less than or equal to (even part of ), and .

In one space dimension, the operator is a closed, densely defined operator on and it is the infinitesimal generator of a semigroup which is in general not symmetric and not a contraction. This operator is a generalization of various well-known operators, such as the Laplacian operator (when ), the inverse of the generalized Riesz-Feller potential (when ), and the Riemann-Liouville differential operator (when or ). It is self-adjoint only when and, in this case, it coincides with the fractional power of the Laplacian. We refer the readers to Debbi [29], Debbi and Dozzi [2], and Komatsu [30] for more details about this operator.

According to Komatsu [30], can be represented, for , by and, for , by where and are two nonnegative constants satisfying and is a smooth function for which the integral exists, and is its derivative. This representation identifies it as the infinitesimal generator for a nonsymmetric -stable Lévy process.

Let be the fundamental solution of the following Cauchy problem: where is the Dirac distribution. By Fourier transform, we see that is given by : The relevant parameters called the index of stability and (related to the asymmetry) improperly referred to as the skewness are real numbers satisfying , and when .

Let us list some known facts on which will be used later on (see, e.g., Debbi [29] and Debbi and Dozzi [2]).

Lemma 5. Let ; one has the following. (1)The function is not in general symmetric relatively to and it is not everywhere positive.(2)For any and , or equivalently (3) for any .(4)For , there exist some constants and such that, for all , (5) if and only if .

For and any multi-index and , let be the Green function of the deterministic equation Clearly

3. Existence and Uniqueness

In this section, we are going to prove the existence and uniqueness of the global mild solution to (3). Recall (4) and (14). Then, for all , with the mappings with indicator of the set .

In the following, we will show that such a mild solution indeed exists and is unique, which is stated as follows.

Theorem 6. Let . Suppose the following conditions hold.(1) are uniformly Lipschitzian; that is, there exists a constant such that for and (2) is linear growth; that is, there exists a constant such that for (3) For with , Then, for all -measurable satisfying , there exists a unique mild solution to (3) and, for all ,

In order to prove the above theorem, we need the following lemmas.

Lemma 7. Suppose , , and such that Let be the Green kernel, , or with . Define an operator by with . Then is bounded linear operator and satisfies the following.(a)If , then there exists a constant such that for all (b)If , then there exists a constant such that for all

Proof. We only need to prove the case (a), since the proof of (b) is similar. Together with Minkowski’s inequality, (3) of Lemma 5, and Young inequality, one can get where we have used the fact that for The proof of this lemma is completed.

In the following, we mainly adopt the fixed point principle to prove Theorem 6. Let be the space of all -valued -adapted processes with the norm Then is a Banach space. Now, for , let us define an operator by where According to (43), we have the following.

Proposition 8. Suppose and the assumptions (1), (2), and (3) of Theorem 6 are satisfied. Then, for each and , it holds that .

Proof. From Lemma 3 and Young inequality, it follows that where we have used the fact that . Now we deal with . Applying (a) of Lemma 7 with and condition (1) of Theorem 6, we conclude that since .
Now, let us consider . By Lemma 3, we deduce that where is a space-time white noise on .
Note that under the assumption . So we have for .
Combining (a) of Lemma 7 with and assumption (33), we obtain that, for , with ; that is, . Finally, let us estimate . This is a key step in the proof of Proposition 8. Together with the condition (34), (b) of Lemma 7 with and Lemma 4, we conclude that, for , Thus we have proved that the operator defined by (43) is an operator from to itself. On the other hand, from the similar argument as in (45)–(50), let sufficiently large; then . Thus we complete the proof of the proposition.

In what follows, we will prove that the operator is a contract operator.

Proposition 9. Suppose the assumptions (1), (2), and (3) of Theorem 6 are satisfied. Then, for each , the operator is a contraction on . In other words, there exists a constant such that

Proof. Let and be initials of -adapted random fields such that . Let us consider firstly. Note that, for , together with (a) of Lemma 7 with and condition (1) of Theorem 6, one can get Then with by choosing large enough. Now we are going to consider the term . From a similar argument as in (50), thanks to the generalized B-D-G inequality, we derive from the conditions of Theorem 6 that Then is a contraction on .
A similar procedure as the above arguments yields that is a contraction on by letting large enough. Therefore, it follows from (49) that is a contraction on if large enough. Thus the proof of Proposition 9 is complete.

Based on Propositions 8 and 9 and fixed point principal on the set , we conclude that (3) admits a unique solution . Thus the conclusion of Theorem 6 follows.

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.


The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to the editor and the anonymous referees for their valuable comments and error corrections. Xichao Sun is partially supported by Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province (no. 1408085QA10), Key Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Education Commission (no. KJ2013A183), and Mathematical Tianyuan Foundation of China (no. 11226198). Zhi Wang is partially supported by the Research Project of Education of Zhejiang Province (Y201326507) and the Natural Science Foundation of Ningbo Municipality (201401A6111010). Jing Cui is partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11326171), the Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province (1308085QA14), the Key Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Educational Committee (KJ2013A133), and the PhD Start-up Fund of Anhui Normal University.