
Circulant matrices play an important role in solving delay differential equations. In this paper, circulant type matrices including the circulant and left circulant and -circulant matrices with any continuous Fibonacci and Lucas numbers are considered. Firstly, the invertibility of the circulant matrix is discussed and the explicit determinant and the inverse matrices by constructing the transformation matrices are presented. Furthermore, the invertibility of the left circulant and -circulant matrices is also studied. We obtain the explicit determinants and the inverse matrices of the left circulant and -circulant matrices by utilizing the relationship between left circulant, -circulant matrices and circulant matrix, respectively.

1. Introduction

Circulant matrices have important applications in solving various differential equations [13]. The use of circulant preconditioners for solving structured linear systems has been studied extensively since 1986; see [4, 5]. Circulant matrices also play an important role in solving delay differential equations. In [6], Chan et al. proposed a preconditioner called the Strang-type block-circulant preconditioner for solving linear systems from IVPs. The Strang-type preconditioner was also used to solve linear systems from differential-algebraic equations and delay differential equations; see [714]. In [15], Jin et al. proposed the GMRES method with the Strang-type block-circulant preconditioner for solving singular perturbation delay differential equations.

The -circulant matrices play an important role in various applications as well; please refer to [16, 17] for details. There are discussions about the convergence in probability and in distribution of the spectral norm of -circulant matrices in [18, 19]. Ngondiep et al. showed the singular values of -circulants in [20].

Recently, some scholars have given various algorithms for the determinants and inverses of nonsingular circulant matrices [21, 22]. Unfortunately, the computational complexity of these algorithms is increasing dramatically with the increasing order of matrices. However, some authors gave the explicit determinants and inverse of circulant involving Fibonacci and Lucas numbers. For example, Jaiswal evaluated some determinants of circulant whose elements are the generalized Fibonacci numbers [23]. Lind presented the determinants of circulant involving Fibonacci numbers [24]. Lin gave the determinant of the Fibonacci-Lucas quasicyclic matrices in [25]. Shen et al. considered circulant matrices with Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and presented their explicit determinants and inverses [26]. Bozkurt and Tam gave determinants and inverses of circulant matrices with Jacobsthal and Jacobsthal-Lucas numbers in [27].

The purpose of this paper is to obtain the explicit determinants, explicit inverses of circulant, left circulant, and -circulant matrices involving any continuous Fibonacci numbers and Lucas numbers. And we generalize the result in [26].

In the following, let be a nonnegative integer. We adopt the following two conventions , and for any sequence in the case .

The Fibonacci and Lucas sequences are defined by the following recurrence relations [2326], respectively: for . The first few values of the sequences are given by the following table: Let and be the roots of the characteristic equation ; then the Binet formulas of the sequences and have the form

Definition 1 (see [21, 22]). In a right circulant matrix (or simply, circulant matrix) each row is a cyclic shift of the row above to the right. Right circulant matrix is a special case of a Toeplitz matrix. It is evidently determined by its first row (or column).

Definition 2 (see [22, 28]). In a left circulant matrix (or reverse circulant matrix ) each row is a cyclic shift of the row above to the left. Left circulant matrix is a special Hankel matrix.

Definition 3 (see [19, 29]). A -circulant matrix is an complex matrix with the following form: where is a nonnegative integer and each of the subscripts is understood to be reduced modulo .

The first row of is ; its th row is obtained by giving its th row a right circular shift by positions (equivalently, mod positions). Note that or yields the standard circulant matrix. If , then we obtain the so called left circulant matrix.

Lemma 4 (see [26]). Let be circulant matrix; then one has(i) is invertible if and only if the eigenvalues of where and ;(ii)if is invertible, then the inverse of is a circulant matrix.

Lemma 5. Define the matrix is an orthogonal cyclic shift matrix (and a left circulant matrix). It holds that .

Lemma 6 (see [29]). The matrix is unitary if and only if , where is a -circulant matrix with first row .

Lemma 7 (see [29]). is a -circulant matrix with first row if and only if , where .

2. Determinant, Invertibility, and Inverse of Circulant Matrix with Any Continuous Fibonacci Numbers

In this section, let be a circulant matrix. Firstly, we give the determinant equation of the matrix . Afterwards, we prove that is an invertible matrix for , and then we find the inverse of the matrix . Obviously, when , or , is also an invertible matrix.

Theorem 8. Let be a circulant matrix. Then one has where is the th Fibonacci number. Specially, when , this result is the same as Theorem 2.1 in [26].

Proof. Obviously, satisfies the formula. In the case , let be two matrices; then we have where We obtain while we have

Theorem 9. Let be a circulant matrix; if , then is an invertible matrix. Specially, when , one gets Theorem 2.2 in [26].

Proof. When = 3 in Theorem 8, then we have ; hence is invertible. In the case , since , where , . We have If there exists such that , we obtain for ; thus, is a real number. While hence, ; so we have for . But is not the root of the equation . We obtain for any , while . By Lemma 4, the proof is completed.

Lemma 10. Let the entries of the matrix be of the form then the entries of the inverse of the matrix are equal to In particular, when , one gets Lemma 2.1 in [26].

Proof. Let . Obviously, for . In the case , we obtain For , we obtain Hence, we verify , where is identity matrix. Similarly, we can verify . Thus, the proof is completed.

Theorem 11. Let be a circulant matrix.
Then one has where Specially, when , this result is the same as Theorem 2.3 in [26].

Proof. Let where , We have where is a diagonal matrix and is the direct sum of and . If we denote , then we obtain
and the last row elements of the matrix are . By Lemma 10, if let , then its last row elements are given by the following equations:
Let we have We obtain where

3. Determinant, Invertibility, and Inverse of Circulant Matrix with Any Continuous Lucas Numbers

In this section, let , be a circulant matrix. Firstly, we give a determinant formula for the matrix . Afterwards, we prove that is an invertible matrix for any positive integer , and then we find the inverse of the matrix .

Theorem 12. Let be a circulant matrix; then one has where is the th Lucas number. In particular, when , one gets Theorem 3.1 in [26].

Proof. Obviously, satisfies the formula, when ; let be two matrices, we have where We obtain while We have

Theorem 13. Let be a circulant matrix; then is invertible for any positive integer . Specially, when , one gets Theorem 3.2 in [26].

Proof. Since , where , . Hence we have If there exists such that , we obtain for ; thus, is a real number, while
Hence, ; we have for . But is not the root of the equation for any positive integer . We obtain for any , while . By Lemma 4, the proof is completed.

Lemma 14. Let the entries of the matrix be of the form then the entries of the inverse of the matrix are equal to Specially, when , one gets Lemma 3.1 in [26].

Proof. Let . Obviously, for . In the case , we obtain For , we obtain Hence, we verify , where is identity matrix. Similarly, we can verify . Thus, the proof is completed.

Theorem 15. Let be a circulant matrix; then we have where In particular, when , the result is the same as Theorem 3.3 in [26].

Proof. Let be the form of where We have where is a diagonal matrix and is the direct sum of and . If we denote , we obtain
and the last row elements of the matrix are . By Lemma 14, if let , then its last row elements are given by the following equations:
Let we have We obtain

4. Determinant, Invertibility, and Inverse of Left Circulant Matrix with Any Continuous Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers

In this section, let and , be left circulant matrices. By using the obtained conclusions, we give a determinant formula for the matrices and . Afterwards, we prove that is an invertible matrix for and is an invertible matrix for any positive integer . The inverse of the matrices and is also presented.

According to Lemma 5, Theorem 8, Theorem 9, and Theorem 11, we can obtain the following theorems.

Theorem 16. Let be a left circulant matrix; then one has where is the th Fibonacci number.

Theorem 17. Let be a left circulant matrix; if , then is an invertible matrix.

Theorem 18. Let be a left circulant matrix; then one has where

By Lemma 5, Theorem 12, Theorem 13, and Theorem 15, the following conclusions can be attained.

Theorem 19. Let be a left circulant matrix; then one has where is the th Lucas number.

Theorem 20. Let be a left circulant matrix; then is invertible for any positive integer .

Theorem 21. Let be a left circulant matrix; then one can obtain where

5. Determinant, Invertibility, and Inverse of -Circulant Matrix with Any Continuous Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers

In this section, let and , be -circulant matrices. By using the obtained conclusions, we give a determinant formula for the matrices and . Afterwards, we prove that is an invertible matrix for and is an invertible matrix if . The inverse of the matrices and is also presented.

From Lemma 6, Lemma 7, Theorem 8, Theorem 9, and Theorem 11, we deduce the following results.

Theorem 22. Let be a -circulant matrix; then one has where is the th Fibonacci number.

Theorem 23. Let be a -circulant matrix and ; if , then is an invertible matrix.

Theorem 24. Let be a circulant matrix and ; then where

Taking Lemma 6, Lemma 7, Theorem 12, Theorem 13, and Theorem 15 into account, one has the following theorems.

Theorem 25. Let be a -circulant matrix; then one has where is the th Lucas number.

Theorem 26. Let be a -circulant matrix and ; if , then is an invertible matrix.

Theorem 27. Let be a -circulant matrix and ; then where

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.


The research was supported by the Development Project of Science & Technology of Shandong Province (Grant no. 2012GGX10115) and NSFC (Grant no. 11301251) and the AMEP of Linyi University, China.