Research Article

A Novel Model of Conforming Delaunay Triangulation for Sensor Network Configuration

Algorithm 2

Input parameters: DT meshes and feature lines.
Step  1. Construct a stack for storing the features waiting to be treated, and a doubly
   linked list for storing the treated features.
Step  2. While is not empty, popup a feature segment .
Step  3. If belongs to the vertexes of the neighbor triangle of , continue.
Step  4. Find the triangles intersected with by the topology relationship of meshes, and
   construct the influence polygon of named .
   Assign the value to the endpoints of feature segment: , , and
   intersects at , intersects at .
Step  5. While
Step  5-1. If , take as adding point, i.e. .
     link into .
     Take as the head of the remainder, as the tail of the remainder.
 Step  5-2. Take as the adding point, i.e. .
     link into .
     Take as the tail of the remainder, as the head of the remainder.
 Step  5-3. InsertNewNode(, )
 Step  5-4. Update ,
      intersects at , intersects at .
Step  6. Take the midpoint of as additional point , link and into
   , and the remainder of feature segment is empty.
Step  7. InsertNewNode(, ) and return to Step  4.