
We investigate Gevrey asymptotics for solutions to nonlinear parameter depending Cauchy problems with 2π-periodic coefficients, for initial data living in a space of quasiperiodic functions. By means of the Borel-Laplace summation procedure, we construct sectorial holomorphic solutions which are shown to share the same formal power series as asymptotic expansion in the perturbation parameter. We observe a small divisor phenomenon which emerges from the quasiperiodic nature of the solutions space and which is the origin of the Gevrey type divergence of this formal series. Our result rests on the classical Ramis-Sibuya theorem which asks to prove that the difference of any two neighboring constructed solutions satisfies some exponential decay. This is done by an asymptotic study of a Dirichlet-like series whose exponents are positive real numbers which accumulate to the origin.

1. Introduction

We consider a family of nonlinear Cauchy problems of the form for given initial data where is a complex parameter, , , , are some positive integers, is a finite subset of , and is a finite subset of that fulfills constraints (185). The coefficients of the linear part and of the nonlinear part are -periodic Fourier series in the variable with coefficients , in (which denotes the Banach space of bounded holomorphic functions in on some small polydisc centered at the origin in with supremum norm). We assume that all Fourier coefficients , have exponential decay in (see (177), (178)). Hence, and define bounded holomorphic functions on where is some strip of width .

The initial data are quasiperiodic in the variable and are constructed as follows: where and are real algebraic numbers (for some integer ) such that the family is -linearly independent and where the coefficients are bounded holomorphic functions on , where is a fixed open bounded sector centered at 0 and is a family of open bounded sectors centered at the origin and whose union forms a covering of , where denotes some bounded neighborhood of 0. These functions (4) are constructed in such a way that they define holomorphic functions on for some .

Recall that a function (where denotes some vector space) is said to be quasiperiodic with period , for some integer , if there exists a function such that, for all , the partial function is -periodic on , for all fixed when , which satisfies (see, e.g., [1] for a definition and properties of quasiperiodic functions). In particular, one can check that functions (4) are quasiperiodic with period in the variable.

Our main purpose is the construction of actual holomorphic functions to the problem (1), (2) on the domains for some small disc and the analysis of their asymptotic expansions as tends to zero on , for all . More precisely, we can state our main result as follows.

Main Statement. We take a set of directions , , such that , for , which are assumed to satisfy moreoverfor all , all , and all , for some fixed . We make the hypothesis that the coefficients of the initial data (4) can be expressed as Laplace transforms on along the half-line , where is a family of holomorphic functions which share the exponential growth constraints (152) with respect to , the uniform bound estimates (161), and the analytic continuation property (184).

Then, in Proposition 28, we construct a family of holomorphic and bounded functionswhich are quasiperiodic with period in the variable and which solve the problem (1), (2) on the products , where satisfies inequality (153) and for some small radius . Moreover, the differences satisfy the exponential decay (187) whose type depends on the constants , , and on the degree of any algebraic number field containing .

In Theorem 32, we show the existence of a formal serieswhose coefficients belong to the Banach space of bounded holomorphic functions on , which formally solves (1) and is moreover the Gevrey asymptotic expansion of order of on . In other words, there exist two constants such that for all and all .

Notice that the problem (1), (2) is singularly perturbed with irregular singularity (in the sense of Mandai, [2]) with respect to at provided that . It is of Kowalevski type if (meaning that the hypotheses of the classical Cauchy-Kowalevski theorem (see, e.g., [3], pp. 346–349) are fulfilled for (1)) and of mixed type when and are equal.

In a recent work [4], we have considered singularly perturbed nonlinear Cauchy problems of the form which carry both an irregular singularity with respect to at and a Fuchsian singularity (see [5] for a definition) with respect to at , for given initial data where is some linear differential operator with polynomial coefficients and is some polynomial. The initial data were assumed to be holomorphic on products . Under suitable constraints on the shape of (10) and on the initial data (11), we have shown the existence of a formal series with coefficients belonging to the Banach space of bounded holomorphic functions on (for some ) equipped with the supremum norm, solution of (10), which is the Gevrey asymptotic expansion of order of actual holomorphic solutions of (10), (11) on as -valued functions, for all .

Compared to this former result [4], the singularity nature of (1) does not come from the divergence of the formal series. This divergence rather emerges from the quasiperiodic structure of the solution space which produces a small divisor problem (as we will see below) and its Gevrey type depends not only on the type of space of our initial data but also on the shape of (1). It is worth noticing that a similar phenomenon has been observed in the paper [6] for the steady Swift-Hohenberg equation where the authors have constructed formal series solutions where the coefficients belong to some weighted Sobolev space (for well-chosen real number ) of quasiperiodic Fourier expansions in of the form where with is the so-called quasilattice in for some integer . They have shown that this formal series (13) is actually at most of Gevrey order (for a suitable integer depending on ) as series in the Hilbert space . Their main purpose was actually to use this result in order to construct approximate smooth quasiperiodic solutions of (12) up to an exponential small order by means of truncated Laplace transforms.

In a more general setting, the Cauchy problem (1), (2) we consider in this work comes within the framework of asymptotic analysis of solutions to differential equations or to partial differential equations with periodic or quasiperiodic coefficients which is a domain of intense research in these last years.

In the category of differential equations most of the results concern nonlinear equations of the form where the forcing term contains periodic or quasiperiodic coefficients. These statements deal with the construction of formal solutions which are called Lindstedt series in the literature. For convergence properties of these series, we quote the seminal work [7] and the overview [8], and for Borel resummation procedures applied more recently, we mention [9]. For applications in KAM theory for nearly integrable finitely dimensional Hamiltonian systems, we may refer to [10, 11].

In the context of partial differential equations, for existence results of quasiperiodic solutions to general families of nonlinear PDE containing a small real parameter, we indicate [12] and for the construction of periodic solutions to abstract second order nonlinear equations, we notice [13]. Concerning KAM theory results in the context of PDE such as small nonlinear perturbations of wave equations or Schrödinger equations we mention the fundamental works [1416].

Now, we explain our main result and the principal arguments needed in its proof. The first step consists (as in [4]) of transforming (1) by means of the linear map into an auxiliary regularly perturbed nonlinear equation (149). The drawback of this transformation is the appearance of poles in the coefficients of this new equation with respect to at 0.

The approach we follow is the same as in our previous works [4, 17] and is based on a Borel resummation procedure applied to formal expansions of the form where are formal series in , which formally solves the auxiliary equation (149) for well-chosen initial data (165). It is worth pointing out that this resummation method known as -summability already enjoys a large success in the study of Gevrey asymptotics for analytic solutions to linear and nonlinear differential equations with irregular singularity; see, for instance, [1824]. We show that the formal Borel transform of with respect to given by where , formally solves a nonlinear convolution integrodifferential Cauchy problem with rational coefficients in and is holomorphic with respect to near the origin and with respect to in some strip and meromorphic in with a pole at 0; see (171), (172).

For appropriate initial data satisfying conditions (152), (184), and (161), we show (in Proposition 20) that the formal series actually defines a holomorphic function on the product , for some , and where is some unbounded open sector with small aperture and with bisecting direction (as described above in the main statement). The functions have exponential growth rate with respect to meaning that there exist two constants such that for all , . Moreover, we show that, for all , the formal series actually define holomorphic functions on domains , where is a Riemann type sequence of the form , for some constant , which tends to 0 as tends to infinity, and share the same exponential growth rate, namely, that there exist constants , , with for all , . We point out that the occurrence of a radius of convergence shrinking to zero for the coefficients near the origin of the Borel transform is due to the presence of a small divisor phenomenon in the convolution Cauchy problem (171), (172) mentioned above. In our previous study [4], a similar outcome was caused by a leading term in the main equation (10) containing a Fuchsian operator . In this analysis, the denominators arise from the function space where the solutions are found, especially from their Fourier exponents which may tend to zero but not faster than a Riemann type sequence as follows from Lemma 13.

In order to get the estimates described above, we use a majorizing technique described in Propositions 17, 18, and 19 which reduces the investigation for bounds (19) to the study of a Cauchy-Kowalevski type problem (114), (115) in several complex variables for which local analytic solutions are found in Section 2.1; see Proposition 5. On the way we make use of estimates in weighted Banach spaces introduced in Section 2.2; see Propositions 9, 10, and 12 and Corollary 11, which are very much like those already seen in the work [4].

In the next step, for given suitable initial data (150) satisfying (158), we construct actual solutions of (149), where each function can be written as a Laplace transform of the function with respect to along a half-line . For each , the function is bounded and holomorphic on a sector with aperture larger than , with bisecting direction and with radius for some constant . In Proposition 23, we show that the function itself turns out to define a holomorphic function on for some and where satisfies (153).

We observe that, for all , the functions defined as actually solve our initial Cauchy problem (1), (2) on the products and bear representation (7) as a quasiperiodic function whose Fourier coefficients decay exponentially in . It is worthy to mention that spaces of quasiperiodic Fourier series with exponential decay were also recently used in [25] in order to find global in time and quasiperiodic in space solutions to the KdV equation.

In Proposition 28, we show moreover that the difference of two neighboring solutions and has exponentially small bounds of order , uniformly in , as tends to 0 on . We observe that for each the difference for the Fourier coefficients has exponential decay of order but its type is proportional to and therefore tends to 0 as tends to infinity. This small denominator phenomenon is the reason for the decreasement of the order to . As in our previous study [4], the bulk of the proof rests on a thorough estimation of a Dirichlet like series of the form for and with small. This kind of series appears in the context of almost periodic functions introduced by . Bohr; see, for instance, the textbook [26]. These estimates (187) are crucial in order to apply a cohomological criterion known in the literature as the Ramis-Sibuya theorem (Theorem RS) which leads to the main result of this paper, namely, the existence of a formal series with coefficients in the Banach space of holomorphic and bounded functions on , which formally solves (1) and which is, moreover, the Gevrey asymptotic expansion of order of the functions on , for all .

The layout of the paper reads as follows.

Section 2.1 is dedicated to the study of a version of the Cauchy-Kowalevski theorem for nonlinear PDEs in analytic spaces of functions with precise control on the domain of existence of their solutions in terms of norm estimates of the initial data. In Section 2.2 we establish some continuity properties of several integrodifferential and multiplication operators acting on weighted Banach spaces of holomorphic functions. These results are applied in Section 2.3 when looking for global solutions with growth constraint at infinity for a parameter depending nonlinear convolution differential Cauchy problem with singular coefficients.

We recall briefly the classical theory concerning the Borel-Laplace transform and we show some commutation formulas with multiplication and integrodifferential operators in Section 3.1; then we center our attention on finding solutions of an auxiliary nonlinear Cauchy problem obtained by the linear change of variable from our main Cauchy problem in Section 3.2. The link between this Cauchy problem and the one solved in Section 2.3 is performed by means of Borel-Laplace transforms on the corresponding solutions.

In Section 4.1, we construct actual holomorphic solutions , , of our initial problem and we show exponential decay of the difference of any two of these solutions with respect to on the intersection of their domain of definition, uniformly in the other variables. Finally, in Section 4.2, we conclude with the main result of the work, that is, the existence of a formal power series with coefficients in an appropriate Banach space, which asymptotically represents the functions with a precise control on the Gevrey order on the sectors , for all .

2. A Global Cauchy Problem in Holomorphic and Quasiperiodic Function Spaces

2.1. A Cauchy-Kowalevski Theorem in Several Variables

In this section, we recall the well-known Cauchy-Kowalevski theorem in some spaces of analytic functions for which the size of the domain of existence of the solution can be controlled in terms of some supremum norm of the initial data.

The next Banach spaces are natural extensions to the several variables cases of the spaces used in [27].

Definition 1. Let be some integer. Let be positive real numbers. We denote by the space of formal series that belong to such that is finite. One can show that equipped with the norm are Banach spaces.

In the next two lemmas we show continuity properties for some linear integrodifferential operators acting on the aforementioned Banach spaces.

Lemma 2. Let with Then, for any given , the operator is a bounded linear map from into itself. Moreover, for all .

Proof. Let of form (23). By definition, we can write From (25), we have for all . Estimate (26) follows.

Lemma 3. Let . Let, for all , and be positive real numbers. Then, there exists (depending on , , for ) such that for all .

Proof. Let be of form (23). By definition, we can write Now, we take some real number such that for all and . We get the estimates for all . Since , we know that, for any real number , there exists depending on such that Hence, we get a constant depending on , and with for all . As a result, gathering (30), (31), and (33), we get the lemma.

Lemma 4. Let . Then, the product belongs to . Moreover, we have In other words, the space is a Banach algebra.

Proof. Let belonging to for . By definition, we can write Besides, using the identity and the binomial formula, we get that for all integers such that , for . Therefore, inequality (34) follows from (36) and (37).

In the next proposition, we state a version of the Cauchy-Kowalevski theorem.

Proposition 5. Let resp., be a finite subset of resp., and let be an integer such that, for all and all , we have Let be a finite subset of . Let be given real numbers and let , be real numbers. Let for all , all , and all . For all , we also choose .
We consider the following Cauchy problem: for given initial data Then, for given real numbers , , with , one can choose and   which depend on for , on for , on for , and on for such that if then the problem (40), (41) has a unique solution . Moreover, there exists a constant , depending on for , on for , on for , and on for , such that

Proof. We put and we consider the map defined as

Lemma 6. Let , , be real numbers such that . Then, there exist , a real number , and a constant   depending on for , on for , on for , and on for , such that if one puts ,(i)we have where is the closed ball of radius , centered at 0 in ;(ii)for all ,

Proof. We first show (i). We fix , , be real numbers such that . We also consider for which (42) holds. Let be of the form for some constant . We take where is the closed ball of radius , centered at 0 in for some real number . From Lemmas 2 and 4, we get Now, from Lemmas 3 and 4, we get a constant (depending on , , for ) with for all , .
Using Leibniz formula, we deduce from Lemma 4 that By Lemma 3, one also gets a constant (depending on for ) with By Lemma 2, one finds Due to Lemma 3, we get a constant (depending on for ) such that
Now, we can choose , and the constant (recall that ) in such a way that
Hence, gathering (48), (49), (50), (51), (52), (53), and (54) yields inclusion (46).
We turn to the proof of (ii). As above, we fix , , be real numbers such that . We also consider for which (42) holds. Let be of the form for some constant . We take where is the closed ball of radius , centered at 0 in for some real number . From Lemmas 2 and 4, we get that Using the identity for any complex numbers and any integer , we can write Using Leibniz formula, we deduce from Lemma 4 that By Lemma 3, one also gets a constant (depending on for ) with By Lemma 2, one finds Using again Leibniz formula and Lemma 4, we can write By Lemmas 2 and 3, one finds a constant (depending on for ) such that for .
In the following, we choose in order that Taking into account all inequalities (55), (56), (57), (58), (59), (60), and (61) under constraint (62), we deduce (47).
Finally, for fixed real numbers , , such that , we choose , and the constant (recall that ) in such a way that both constraints (54) and (62) hold. For these constants, the map satisfies both (46) and (47).

We are in a position to give the proof of Proposition 5. Let , , be real numbers such that ; we choose , and the constant as in Lemma 6. We have put .

From the fact that equipped with the norm is a Banach space, the closed ball for the metric is a complete metric space. From Lemma 6, the map is a contraction from into itself. From the classical fixed point theorem, we deduce that there exists a unique such that .

By construction and taking into account Lemma 2, the formal series is a solution of the problem (40), (41). Moreover, and which yields (43). Thus proof of Proposition 5 is complete.

2.2. Weighted Banach Spaces of Holomorphic Functions on Sectors

We denote by the open disc centered at with radius in . Let be a real number and let be an unbounded sector in direction centered at in . By convention, these sectors do not contain the origin in . For any open set , we denote by the vector space of holomorphic functions on . Let be an integer. For all tuples , let be positive real numbers such that if (where by definition ). We define .

Definition 7. Let be a real number and let for all tuples . Let and be real numbers. We denote by the vector space of all functions such that is finite.

Remark 8. These norms are appropriate modifications of the norms defined in [4, 17].
In the next proposition, we study some parameter depending linear operators acting on the spaces .

Proposition 9. Let be integers. Let , . Under the assumption that , the operator defines a bounded linear map from into , for all . Moreover, one has for all .

Proof. The proof follows the same lines of arguments as Lemma 1 from [17]. By construction of the operator , one can write where is a monic monomial for , while , for all . We deduce that for all . By definition of , one has Now, we recall the classical estimates: for all integers , holds. Using (70), we deduce that Taking into account (68), (69), and (71), we get (66).

In the next proposition, we study the convolution product of functions in the spaces .

Proposition 10. Let and . Let such that . Then, for any , , the convolution product belongs to , for all . Moreover, there exists a universal constant such that for all , .

Proof. We mimic the proof of Lemma 3 in [17]. One can write for all . We deduce that for all . Since is increasing, one has Therefore, for all . Now, from [28], we know that there exists a universal constant such that for all , . We deduce that for all . Finally, gathering (74), (76), and (78) yields estimates (72).

Corollary 11. Let be an integer. The operator defines a bounded linear map from into itself, for all . Moreover, there exists a constant (depending on ) such that for all .

Proof. We carry out a similar proof as in Corollary 1 from [17]. We denote by the function equal to on . By definition, we put and means the convolution product of , times for . By definition, we can write . From Proposition 10, there exists a (universal) constant such that where . By Definition 7 and using formula (70), we have that From estimates (80) and (81), we get inequality (79).

The next proposition involves bound estimates for multiplication operators of bounded holomorphic functions.

Proposition 12. Let be a holomorphic function on such that there exists a constant with . Then, the multiplication by is a bounded linear operator from into itself, for all . Moreover, the inequality holds for all .

Proof. The proof is a direct consequence of Definition 7 for the norm .

2.3. A Global Cauchy Problem

We keep the same notations as in the previous section. In the following, we introduce some definitions. Let be a finite subset of and let be a finite subset of . Let be an integer.

For all , we denote by a finite subset of . For all , all , and all integers , we denote by some holomorphic function on which satisfies the estimates: there exist constants , with for all , we consider the series which define holomorphic functions on , where is defined as the following strip in : For all , we denote by a finite subset of . For all and all integers , we denote by some bounded holomorphic function on with the following estimates: there exists a constant such that for all .

For all , we consider the series which define holomorphic functions on .

Let be an integer and let and be real algebraic numbers such that the family is -linearly independent (this means that each is a real root of a polynomial and if there exist integers such that , then for ). Due to the classical primitive element theorem of Artin, we consider an algebraic number field containing the numbers , and we denote by its degree (that is the dimension of the vector space over ). The following lemma is a direct consequence of Theorem 11 in [29].

Lemma 13. There exists a constant (depending on ) such that, for any , the inequality holds.

Example 14. Let be an algebraic number. Assume that the degree of is . Then, the algebraic numbers are -linearly independent and inequality (88) above holds for , . In that case, one recovers Lemma 2.1 of [6].
Let be integers. We put for all . We consider an unbounded sector centered at 0 such that for all . As in the previous section, we put . For all , we choose a set of functions for all and we consider the formal series for all .
We consider the following Cauchy problem: where and , , stands for the convolution product of applied times with respect to , for given initial conditions
In the sequel, we will need the next lemma.

Lemma 15. There exists a constant (depending on ) such that for all , for all , .

Proof. We put . The following partial fraction decomposition holds: where for all . Now, there exists some constant (depending on ) such that for all . Indeed, from (88), we know that for all , . Let . From (98), we can write for some and . Therefore, Now, let . For all , we can write where and . By construction of , we have that for all . As a result, there exists a constant (depending on ) with , for all . Hence, As a consequence, we get that (97) holds. On the other hand, from (88), we get that for all , . Gathering (95), (97), and (103), we deduce that for all . The lemma follows.

In the next proposition, we construct formal series solutions of (92) and (93).

Proposition 16. Under the assumption that for all , there exists a formal series solution of (92) and (93), where the coefficients belong to the space for all and satisfy the following recursion formula: for all , all , and all .

Proof. By hypothesis, we know in particular that belongs to for any , all , and all . Since when and using Lemma 15, one gets that the functions which are defined by recursion (107) actually belong to for any , for all . Direct computation by identification of the powers of and the powers of shows that the formal series (106) is solution of (92) and (93), if its coefficients satisfy recursion (107).

In the next proposition, we state norm inequalities for the sequence .

Proposition 17. We consider the sequence of functions defined by recursion (107) for given initial data defined above for all , . Then, for all and all , the function belongs to . We put , for all and all . Then, the sequence satisfies the following estimates. There exist constants (depending on ) and (depending on ) such that for all , , and all , where

Proof. We apply the norm on the left and right hand side of equality (107) and use Propositions 9, 10, and 12, Lemma 15, and Corollary 11 in order to majorize the right hand side. Indeed, using Propositions 9, 10, and 12, Corollary 11, Lemma 15, and the estimates we get a constant (depending on ) such that and using Propositions 10 and 12 and Corollary 11, we obtain a universal constant and some constants (depending on ) and (depending on ) such that

We define the following formal series: We consider the following Cauchy problem: for given initial data for all .

Proposition 18. Under the assumption that for all and all , there exists a formal series solution of (114) and (115), where the coefficients satisfy the following recursion: for all , , and all .

Proposition 19. Under assumption (116) with the additional condition that for all , all , and all , and , the following inequalities hold: for all , all .

Proof. By assumption (115), we know that for all , all , and all . Therefore, we get our result by using induction from inequalities (108) and equalities (118).

In the next proposition we give sufficient conditions for the formal series solutions of the Cauchy problem (92), (93) in order to define actual holomorphic functions with exponential bound estimates.

Proposition 20. We make the assumption that (119) holds. We also assume that for all and all .
We choose two real numbers , such that and we take and , for . We assume that the formal series belong to for all and that there exists a constant such that . As a consequence, the formal series (91) define holomorphic functions on the product and satisfy the following estimates: there exists a constant (depending on ) such that for all , and all .
Then, there exists (depending on , , for , , , , for and and for , ) such that if one assumes moreover that for all , the formal series (106), solution of (92) and (93), defines a holomorphic function on the product for some and carries the next bound estimates: there exists a constant (depending on the same as for given above) with for all .

Proof. Since belongs to , we get a constant (depending on ) such that for all and all . From the multinomial formula, we know that for all . Therefore, from (128), we deduce that for all , , all , and all . From assumption (123), we deduce that the formal series (91) defines a holomorphic function on the product and satisfies for all and all .
Under assumptions (119) and (122) together with (126), we see that the hypotheses of Proposition 5 are fulfilled for the Cauchy problem (114), (115). Therefore, we deduce that the formal solution of (114), (115) constructed in Proposition 18 belongs to the space for some and for some . Moreover, we get a constant (depending on , for , , , for and and for , ) such that for all . In particular, we deduce that for all . Gathering (120) and (133) yields for all . Again by the multinomial formula, we have that for all . Hence, from (134), we get that for all , all , and all . We deduce that the formal series (106) defines a holomorphic function on the product and satisfies for all .

3. Analytic Solutions in a Complex Parameter of a Singular Cauchy Problem

3.1. Laplace Transform and Asymptotic Expansions

We recall the definition of Borel summability of formal series with coefficients in a Banach space; see [18].

Definition 21. A formal series with coefficients in a Banach space is said to be -summable with respect to in the direction if(i)there exists such that the following formal series, called formal Borel transform of of order 1 is absolutely convergent for ;(ii)there exists such that the series can be analytically continued with respect to in a sector . Moreover, there exist and such that for all .

If this is so, the vector valued Laplace transform of order 1 of in the direction is defined by along a half-line , where depends on and is chosen in such a way that , for some fixed , for all in any sector where and . The function is called the 1-sum of the formal series in the direction and defines a holomorphic bounded function on the sector . Moreover, it has the formal series as Gevrey asymptotic expansion of order 1 with respect to on . This means that, for all , there exist such that for all and all .

In the next proposition, we give some well-known identities for the Borel transform that will be useful in the sequel.

Proposition 22. Let and be formal series in . We have the following equalities as formal series in :

Proof. By a direct computation, we have the following expansions from which Proposition 22 follows:

3.2. Analytic Solutions of Some Singular Cauchy Problem

Let be integers. Let be a finite subset of and a finite subset of . For all and all integers , we denote by some holomorphic function on which satisfies the next estimates: there exist constants , with for all . Likewise, for all and all integers , we denote by some holomorphic function on with the following estimates: there exists a constant with for all .

For all and all , we consider the series which define bounded holomorphic functions on .

We consider the following singular Cauchy problem: for given initial data The initial conditions are constructed as follows. Let be an unbounded sector such that for all and all . For all and all , let be a function such that for all .

We choose two real numbers such that and we take and , for all . We make the assumption that the formal series belongs to the Banach space for all and all . Moreover, we assume that there exists a constant such that .

Let be its Taylor expansion with respect to on , for all . We consider the formal series for all . For all we define as the 1-sum of in the direction . From the fact that belongs to , for all , we get that defines a holomorphic function for all and all , where for some and some constant (independent of and ), for all . The initial data are defined as the formal series which actually define holomorphic functions on the domain . Indeed from hypotheses (153) and (154) and the multinomial formula (129), following the first part of the proof of Proposition 20, we get that there exists a constant such that for all , and .

We get the following result.

Proposition 23. Let the initial data be constructed as above. We make the following assumptions. For all and all , we have that Then, there exists a constant (independent of ) such that if one assumes that where is defined in (154), for all , the problem (149), (150) has a solution which defines a bounded holomorphic function on for some and , for all . Moreover, each function can be written as a Laplace transform of order 1 in the direction of a function which is holomorphic on and satisfies the estimates: there exist two constants , (both independent of ) such that for all and .

Proof. One considers a formal series solution of (149), with initial data for all where are defined in (156). We consider the formal Borel transform of of order 1 with respect to denoted by where, by construction, is the Borel transform of order 1 with respect to of the formal series , for all .

From the identities of Proposition 22, we get that satisfies the following singular Cauchy problem: with initial data where are defined in (152), for all . In the following, we rewrite (167) using the two following technical lemmas. Their proofs can be found in [17, Lemmas 5 and 6]. Therefore we omit them.

Lemma 24. For all , there exist constants , , such that for all holomorphic functions on an open set .

Lemma 25. Let be positive integers such that and . We put . Then, for all holomorphic functions , the function can be written in the form where is a finite subset of such that, for all , , , , and .

Using the latter Lemmas 24 and 25 together with assumption (160), we can rewrite (167) in the form where is a finite subset of such that, for all , we have and , for the given initial data

From assumption (160), we deduce that assumptions (119) and (122) of Proposition 20 are fulfilled for (171). Hence, from Proposition 20, we deduce the existence of a constant (independent of ) such that if inequality (161) holds, then the formal series solution of (171) and (172) defines a holomorphic function on the product which satisfies the next bound estimates: there exists a constant such that for all . Moreover, from the proof of Proposition 20 (especially formula (136)), we also get that each formal series defines a holomorphic function on with the following estimates: there exist two constants , such that for all and . From (174), we get that each formal series is 1-summable with respect to the fact that is the direction and its 1-sum denoted by can be written as Laplace transform of order 1 in the direction of the function . Moreover, again by (174), we deduce that the series defines a bounded holomorphic function on for some and , for all . Finally, from the algebraic properties of the -summation procedure (see [18] Section 6.3) since formally solves (149), we deduce that is an actual solution of the Cauchy problem (149), (150).

4. Formal Series Solutions and Gevrey Asymptotic Expansion in a Complex Parameter for the Main Cauchy Problem

4.1. Analytic Solutions in a Complex Parameter for the Main Cauchy Problem

We recall the definition of a good covering.

Definition 26. Let be an integer. For all , we consider an open sector with vertex at 0 and with radius . We assume that these sectors are three by three disjoint and that , for all , where by convention we define . Moreover, we assume that , where is some neighborhood of 0 in . Such a set of sectors is called a good covering in .

Definition 27. Let be a good covering in . Let be a positive real number and let be some integer. Let be an open sector with vertex at 0 with radius . We consider the following family of open sectors: where , and , which satisfy the following properties.(1)For all , for all .(2)For all , all , and all , we have that .
Under the above settings, we say that the family is associated with the good covering .

Let be an integer. Let be a finite subset of , and let be a finite subset of .

As in the previous section, for all and all integers , we denote by some holomorphic function on which satisfies the next estimates: there exist constants , with for all . Likewise, for all and all integers , we denote by some holomorphic function on with the following estimates: there exists a constant with for all .

For all and all , we consider the series which define bounded holomorphic functions on . Let be a good covering in and let be three integers. We put .

For all , we consider the following Cauchy problem: for given initial data where the functions are constructed as follows. We consider a family of sectors associated with the good covering . For all , let be an unbounded open sector centered at 0, with bisecting direction and with aperture . We choose and in such a way that for all , all , and all . For all and all , we define where is given by expression (158) and constructed as in the beginning of Section 3.2 with the help of a family of functions , for , , satisfying (152).

We make the additional assumption that, for all , , there exists a holomorphic function on for all such that for all , all , all , and all .

Moreover, we assume that the series defined in (154) belong to the Banach space for all , where and , , are chosen in such a way that for that fulfills inequality (153) for some real number .

By construction, defines a holomorphic function on , for all and all , for well-chosen radius and aperture .

Proposition 28. Let the initial data (181) be constructed as above. We make the following assumptions: for all and all , we have that Then, there exists a constant (independent of ) such that if one assumes that for all , for all , the problem (180), (181) has a solution which is holomorphic and bounded on , for some . Moreover, there exist constants and such that for all and all (where by convention ), provided that is small enough.

Proof. For all , we consider the singular Cauchy problem (149) with initial data Bearing in mind hypothesis (185) and assumption (186), we see that the assumptions of Proposition 23 are all fulfilled for the problem (149), (188), which, therefore, possesses a solution , holomorphic and bounded on for some and , for all . Now, we put which defines a holomorphic and bounded function on , for all , by construction of and in Definition 27. Since solves the problem (149), (188), one can check that solves the problem (180), (181) on , for all .

In the next step of the proof, we show estimates (187). Let . Using Proposition 23, we can write the function as follows: where with integration path and such that are holomorphic functions on , for all , and satisfy the estimates: there exist constants , which satisfy , with for all and . Moreover, from assumption (184), we deduce with the help of recursion (107), which is satisfied for the coefficients of the formal solution of the problem (171), (172), that, for all , there exists a holomorphic function on for all such that for all , all , and all .

We show the following.

Lemma 29. There exist constants , (independent of ), which satisfy , such that for all , all , and all where by convention .

Proof. From the fact that the function is holomorphic on , for all , we deduce that its integral along the union of a segment starting from 0 to , an arc of circle with radius connecting and and a segment starting from to the origin, is vanishing. Therefore, using property (193), we can write, for all , where and is an arc of circle centered at 0 with radius connecting and for a well-chosen orientation.
First, we give estimates for By construction, the direction (which depends on ) is chosen in such a way that for all and all , for some fixed . From estimates (192), we deduce that for all with , for some and for all .
Now, we provide estimates for By construction, the direction (wich depends on ) is chosen in such a way that for all and all , for some fixed . Again, from estimates (192), we deduce as above that for all with , for some and for all .
Finally, we give upper bounds for Due to (192) and bearing in mind property (193), we deduce that By construction, the circle is chosen in order that for all (if ), for all (if ), and for every , . From (202), we get that for all with , for some , and for all . Regarding inequality (70), we deduce from (203) that for all with , for some , and for all .
Finally, gathering decomposition (195) and estimates (198), (200), and (204), we get inequality (194).

From Lemma 29 and taking into account assumption (153), we can write for all and all . Moreover, we recall that, for all integers , , where is a polynomial of degree in . From definition (89) and with the help of (206), we get two constants and such that for all , all . Now, we recall the following lemma from [4].

Lemma 30. Let and . There exist and such that for all .

From Lemma 30 applied to inequality (207) and from (205), we deduce that estimates (187) hold, if is chosen small enough. Thus proof of Proposition 28 is complete.

4.2. Existence of Formal Power Series Solutions in the Complex Parameter for the Main Cauchy Problem

This subsection is devoted to explaining the main result of this work. Namely, we will establish the existence of a formal power series which solves formally (180) and is constructed in such a way that the actual solutions of the problem (180), (181) all have as asymptotic expansion of Gevrey order on (as formal series and functions with coefficients and values in the Banach space equipped with the supremum norm) (see Definition 31 below), for all .

The proof makes use of a Banach valued version of cohomological criterion for Gevrey asymptotic expansion of sectorial holomorphic functions known in the literature as the Ramis-Sibuya theorem. For a reference, we refer to [18, Section 7.4 Proposition 18] and [30, Lemma XI-2-6].

Definition 31. Let be a complex Banach space over . One considers a formal series where the coefficients belong to and a holomorphic function on an open bounded sector with vertex at 0. Let be a positive real number. One says that admits as its asymptotic expansion of Gevrey order on if, for every proper and bounded subsector of , there exist two constants such that, for all , one has for all .

Theorem RS. Let be a complex Banach space over . Let be a good covering in . For every , let be a holomorphic function from into , and let the cocycle be a holomorphic function from into (with the convention that and ). We assume that(1) is bounded as tends to 0, for every ; (2) has an exponential decreasing of order on , for every , meaning that there exist such thatfor every and .

Then, there exists a formal power series such that admits as its asymptotic expansion of Gevrey order on , for every .

We now state the main result of our paper.

Theorem 32. Let one assume that conditions (185) hold. For all , , one also assumes that for the functions constructed in (181) inequalities (186) are fulfilled for some constant given in Proposition 28. Let be the Banach space of holomorphic and bounded functions on equipped with the supremum norm, where are the constants appearing in Proposition 28.
Then, there exists a formal series which formally solves the equation and is the Gevrey asymptotic expansion of order of the -valued function , solution of the problem (180), (181) constructed in Proposition 28, for all .

Proof. We consider the functions , constructed in Proposition 28. For all , we define , which is, by construction, a bounded holomorphic function from into the Banach space of holomorphic and bounded functions on equipped with the supremum norm, where are constants appearing in Proposition 28. Bearing in mind estimates (187), we deduce that the cocycle fulfills estimates of form (211) on , where , for all . According to Theorem RS stated above, we deduce the existence of a formal series which is the Gevrey asymptotic expansion of order of on , for all . Let us define It only remains to show that is a formal solution of (214). From the fact that admits as its asymptotic expansion at 0 on , one gets for all and all . Now, we choose an integer . By construction, the function solves (180). We differentiate it times with respect to . By means of Leibniz's rule, we get that satisfies the identity for all and all . We let tend to 0 in equality (217) and, with the help of (216), we get the following recursions: for all , all , and for every and all . Since the functions and are analytic with respect to near the origin in , we get that for all , and all . Finally, gathering recursions (218) and (219) and expansions (220), one can see that the formal series (215) solves (214).

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.


A. Lastra is partially supported by the Project MTM2012-31439 of Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, Spain. S. Malek is partially supported by the French ANR-10-JCJC 0105 Project and the PHC Polonium 2013 Project no. 28217SG.