Research Article

Influence of Cultural and Pest Management Practices on Performance of Runner, Spanish, and Virginia Market Types in North Carolina

Table 8

Peanut canopy defoliation caused by leaf spot disease as influenced by fungicide program within a market type.

Market typeFungicide

Runner011 a8 a18 a5 a
Runner210 a4 a5 b0 a
Runner50 a1 a4 b0 a

Virginia060 a24 a47 a18 a
Virginia255 b17 b21 b0 b
Virginia53 c1 c1 c0 b

Spanish08 a38 a39 a10 a
Spanish24 a21 b38 a1 a
Spanish41 a0 c0 b0 a

Means within a year and market type followed by the same letter are not significantly different at .
Spanish market type was dug 14 d prior to digging both runner and Virginia market types resulting in only 4 sprays for the Spanish market type.