Research Article

Sweet Potato Value Chain Analysis Reveals Opportunities for Increased Income and Food Security in Northern Ghana

Table 8

SWOT analysis of the sweet potato value chain in Northern Ghana.

Strengths Weaknesses

(i) Low external inputs requirement(i) Low price at harvest
(ii) Many producers are available(ii) Too sweet to adults
(iii) Ready available markets(iii) Not consumed as a main meal
(iv) Availability of improved cultivars(iv) Highly perishable roots
(v) Improved technologies available(v) Poor grading and standardization
(vi) Institutional technical capacity available(vi) Improved storage facilities not available
(vii) Favourable policy environment(vii) Lack of improved preservation methods
(viii) Favourable production ecologies(viii) Insufficient access to vines at planting
(ix) Enormous health benefits(ix) Little women involvement in production

Opportunities Threats

(i) Preferred by children(i) Field pests and diseases
(ii) Demand for orange-fleshed cultivars(ii) Short shelf-life
(iii) High cost-benefit ratio to farmers(iii) Seasonal glut leading to low price
(iv) Available land resources(iv) Poor transport/handling facilities
(v) Many potential markets(v) Low financial support to growers
(vi) For complementary animal feed(vi) Low awareness on health benefits
(vii) Many diversified uses(vii) Poor consumer perception
(viii) Many processing options(viii) Poor quality standardization
(ix) Insatiable export markets(ix) Availability of close substitutes (potato and yam)
(x) Favourable policy and donor goodwill(x) Competing interest for land use for cereals