Research Article

The Variation of Oviposition Preference and Host Susceptibility of the Oriental Fruit Fly (Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae) on Commercial Mango Varieties

Table 2

The emergence of B. dorsalis pupae and adults from four mango varieties under choice conditions.

VarietyMean (±SE) no. of pupaeMean (±SE) no. of adults emergedPupae to adult emergence (%)Sex ratio M : F

Kc17.25 ± 0.57a10.65 ± 0.37a61.80.7 : 1.0
Wld2.53 ± 0.20b1.50 ± 0.13b59.30.4 : 1.0
Vc2.75 ± 0.29b1.95 ± 0.22b70.90.6 : 1.0
Ba8.00 ± 0.30b5.0 ± 0.22b62.50.6 : 1.0
F value17.79213.910
P value0.00010.0001

Means within columns with different letters differ significantly (, using Tukey’s test).