Research Article

Computing with Biologically Inspired Neural Oscillators: Application to Colour Image Segmentation

Figure 7

Nullclines of two-coupled oscillators and the convergence of their temporal activity to a synchronised limit cycle which is represented by a thick solid line. The -nullclines (cubic curves) of the system in (2) and (3) are represented by a dashed line and the -nullcline (sigmoid curve) is represented by a dotted line. The excitation threshold is set between the left and the right branches of the limit cycle (vertical line with a circle end on the axis). ULB (upper left branch), URB (upper right branch), LLB (lower left branch), LRB (lower right branch), ULK (upper left knee), LLK (lower left knee), URK (upper right knee), and LRK (lower right knee). The parameters used for this simulation are