Research Article

Bootstrap Learning and Visual Processing Management on Mobile Robots

Algorithm 2

Motion sequence generation.
Require: Ability to learn color models.
Require: Positions, shapes and color labels of the objects of
  interest in the robot's environment. Initial robot pose.
( )Move between randomly selected target poses.
( )CollectMEMData() – collect data for motion error model.
( )CollectColLearnStats() – collect color learning statistics.
( )NNetTrain() – Train the Neural network for the MEM, (8).
( )UpdateFM() – Generate the statistical feasibility model, (9).
( )GenCandidateSeq() – Generate candidate sequences, (10).
( )EvalCandidateSeq() – Evaluate candidate sequences.
( )SelectMotionSeq() – Select final motion sequence.
( )Execute motion sequence and learn colors – Algorithm
  described in [76].