Research Article

Methodological Triangulation Using Neural Networks for Business Research

Table 7

Survey instrument measures.

MeasureSurvey questionSource

CSEI feel more comfortable using the tool on my own with the tool’s Training Support Tool (TST)[83]
CSEI would be able to use the tool with the TST even if there was no one around to show me how to use it.[75, 83]
CSE1I expect to become very proficient with the tool by using the TST.[86]
CSE2I feel confident that I can use the tool with the TST.[86]
CSE3Using the TST probably helps me to be good with the tool[86]
OS1The business school has provided most of the necessary help and resources to get us used to the TST quickly[74]
OS2The business school realizes what benefits can be achieved with the use of the TST[74]
OS3I am always supported and encouraged by my professor to use the TST in my course[74, 83]
CA1I hesitate to use the tool without the TST for fear of making mistakes I cannot correct[74]
CA2I feel apprehensive about using the tool without the TST[86]
E1The TST keeps me totally absorbed in what I am doing.[85, 86]
E2The TST holds my attention.[85]
E3The TST is fun.[85]
E4The TST is interesting.[85]
E5The TST is engaging.[85]