Research Article

Desirability Improvement of Committee Machine to Solve Multiple Response Optimization Problems

Algorithm 1

get Data //include , matrixes
setRMSE_network = 1    // beginning of modeling phase
set min_RMSE = 0.4
for all kind of neural networks
   while (RMSE_network > min_RMSE or coefficient of correlation < 0) and iterations < 5
   set and
if min_RMSE > RMSE_network
set min_RMSE = RMSE_network
end if
   add one to iterations
   end       // end of while
end for
iteration = 1;
while (iteration < 5)
calculate CM weights using GA randomly
train network
calculate RMSE_network and coefficient of correlation
if RMSE_network < min_RMSE for goal of minimizing in overall RMSE   // end of modeling phase
calculate , and GD( ) using GA for goal of maximizing in Global desirability      //