
Phononic crystals (PCs) can be used as acoustic frequency selective insulators and filters. In a two-dimensional (2D) PC, cylindrical scatterers with a common axis direction are located periodically in a host medium. In the present paper, the layer multiple-scattering (LMS) computational method for wave propagation through 2D PC slabs is formulated and implemented for general 3D incident-wave directions and polarizations. Extensions are made to slabs with cylindrical scatterers of different types within each layer. As an application, the problem is considered to design such a slab with small sound transmittance within a given frequency band and solid angle region for the direction of the incident plane wave. The design problem, with variable parameters characterizing the scatterer geometry and material, is solved by differential evolution, a global optimization algorithm for efficiently navigating parameter landscapes. The efficacy of the procedure is illustrated by comparison to a direct Monte Carlo method.

1. Introduction

Just as photonic crystals can be used to manipulate light, phononic crystals (PCs) with inclusions in a lattice with single, double, or triple periodicity can be used to manipulate sound [1]. When a sound wave of a certain frequency penetrates the PC, the energy is scattered by the inclusions. According to Braggโ€™s law, constructive and destructive interference appears in certain directions. It follows that transmission and/or reflection for certain frequencies can be absent (band gaps), even for all angles of incidence (absolute band gaps). The band gaps are ideal and fully developed only in space-filling PCs. In a PC slab with finite thickness, the โ€œband-gap wavefieldsโ€ are reduced significantly but they do not vanish throughout the gap. Acoustic frequency selective insulators and filters are possible applications.

Several computational methods have been adapted and developed to study wave propagation through PCs. Two such methods are the purely numerical finite-difference time domain (FDTD) method and the semianalytical layer multiple-scattering (LMS) method, which is developed from Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker theory [2]. These methods complement each other. Advantages with the LMS method are its computational speed, which makes it useful for forward modeling in connection with extensive optimization computations, and the physical insight it provides. It appears that the LMS method was first developed for the 3D case with spherical scatterers [3, 4], and recent review papers include Sigalas et al. [5] and Sainidou et al. [6].

The LMS method has also been applied to the 2D case with infinite cylindrical scatterers. It is mainly the in-plane propagation case that has been considered [7โ€“11], for which one space dimension can be eliminated in the wave equations. Out-of-plane propagation has been treated by Mei et al. [12] and, for band structure calculations, somewhat earlier by Wilm et al. [13] (using the plane-wave method) and by Guenneau et al. [14].

In the present paper, basic LMS equations for propagation of plane waves of any direction through a 2D PC slab are first provided in Section 2. The Poisson summation formula and the Graf addition theorem are utilized. As shown in Section 3, different types of scatterers at the same interface can be allowed, which represents an extension as compared to the treatment in [12]. Coupled equation systems are derived for the different scatterer types. For 3D PC slabs, a corresponding extension has recently proved useful for applications to design of anechoic coatings [15].

Applications to design of 2D PC slabs with broad transmission gaps for incident waves of in-plane as well as out-of-plane directions are presented in Section 4. The design problem is equivalent to a nonlinear optimization problem, and differential evolution [16], a global optimization technique from inverse theory, is used. A 2D PC slab example from Mei et al. [12], with lead cylinders in an epoxy host, is revisited. Geometrical and material parameter values are varied to position and widen its band gap.

2. Basic 2D Layer Multiple-Scattering Computational Method

As in Figure 1, a right-hand Cartesian ๐‘ฅ๐‘ฆ๐‘ง coordinate system is introduced in a fluid-solid medium surrounded by homogeneous half-spaces. The horizontal directions are ๐‘ฅ and ๐‘ฆ. The medium is periodic with period ๐‘‘ in the ๐‘ฅ direction and uniform in the y direction.

Sound waves with time dependence exp(โˆ’๐‘–๐œ”๐‘ก), to be suppressed in the formulas, are considered, where ๐œ” is the angular frequency. It follows that an incident plane wave with horizontal wavenumber vector ๐คโ€–=(๐‘˜โ€–,๐œ…,0) will give rise to a linear combination of reflected and transmitted plane waves with displacement vectors

๎‚€๐ฎ(๐ซ)=exp๐‘–๐Š๐‘ ๐ ๐‘—๎‚โ‹…๐ซโ‹…๐ž๐‘—.(1) Here, ๐ซ=(๐‘ฅ,๐‘ฆ,๐‘ง), ๐‘—=1,2,3 for a wave of type P,SV,SH, respectively, ๐‘ =+(โˆ’) for a wave in the positive (negative) ๐‘ง direction, and

๐Šยฑ๐ ๐‘—=๐คโˆฃโˆฃ๎ƒฌ๎‚ต๐œ”+๐ ยฑ๐‘๐‘—๎‚ถ2โˆ’||๐คโˆฃโˆฃ||+๐ 2๎ƒญ1/2=๐œ”โ‹…(0,0,1)๐‘๐‘—โ‹…(sin๐œƒcos๐œ‘,sin๐œƒsin๐œ‘,cos๐œƒ),(2) where g belongs to the reciprocal lattice

๎€ท๐‘˜๐ =๐‘ฅ,๐‘˜๐‘ฆ๎€ธ=๎‚€,02๐œ‹๐‘š๐‘‘๎‚,0,0(3) with ๐‘š running over the integers. Furthermore, ๐‘1 is the compressional-wave velocity ๐›ผ and ๐‘2=๐‘3 are the shear-wave velocity ๐›ฝ. The angular variables ๐œƒ,๐œ‘ of ๐Šยฑ๐ ๐‘— are defined by (2), with a possibly complex cos๐œƒ. The vectors ๐ž๐‘—=๐ž๐‘—(๐Šยฑ๐ ๐‘—) are defined by ๐ž1=(sin๐œƒcos๐œ‘,sin๐œƒsin๐œ‘,cos๐œƒ), ๐ž2=(cos๐œƒcos๐œ‘,cos๐œƒsin๐œ‘,โˆ’sin๐œƒ),โ€‰โ€‰๐ž3=(โˆ’sin๐œ‘,cos๐œ‘,0). It is convenient also to introduce the compressional- and shear-wave wavenumbers ๐‘˜๐‘=๐œ”/๐›ผ and ๐‘˜๐‘ =๐œ”/๐›ฝ.

As detailed in [17], for example, and references therein, reflection and transmission matrices ๐‘…๐ต,๐‘‡๐ต and ๐‘…๐ด,๐‘‡๐ด can now be introduced, for the discrete set of waves specified by (1)โ€“(3). The mentioned reference concerns the doubly periodic case for a 3D PC, with periodicity in the ๐‘ฆ direction as well, but the R/T matrix formalism is the same. There are three scatterer interfaces in the illustration of Figure 1. Individual R/T matrices can be combined recursively [18, 19]. Layer thicknesses, as well as translations of individual scatterer interfaces in the x direction, are conveniently accounted for by phase shifts of the complex amplitudes of the plane-wave components.

2.1. Interface with Periodically Distributed Scatterers of a Common Type

Explicit expressions for the R/T matrices are well known for an interface between two homogeneous half-spaces [19]. To handle an interface with periodically distributed scatterers, as one of the three in Figure 1, the following cylindrical vector solutions to the wave equations can be used [12]:

๐ฎ๐ฟ๐‘™๐œ…๐‘–(๐ซ)=๐‘˜๐‘โˆ‡๎€บ๐‘“๐‘™๎€ป๐ฎ(๐‘๐‘Ÿ)exp(๐‘–๐‘™๐œ‚)exp(๐‘–๐œ…๐‘ฆ),(4)๐‘€๐‘™๐œ…1(๐ซ)=๐‘˜๐‘ โˆ‡ร—๐ฎ๐‘๐‘™๐œ…๐ฎ(๐ซ),(5)๐‘๐‘™๐œ…1(๐ซ)=๐‘˜๐‘ ๎€บ๐‘“โˆ‡ร—๐‘™(๐‘ž๐‘Ÿ)exp(๐‘–๐‘™๐œ‚)exp(๐‘–๐œ…๐‘ฆ)๐ž๐‘ฆ๎€ป,(6) where cylindrical coordinates ๐‘Ÿ,๐œ‚,๐‘ฆ are used according to ๐ซ=(๐‘Ÿsin๐œ‚,๐‘ฆ,๐‘Ÿcos๐œ‚), and ๐ž๐‘ฆ=(0,1,0). The index ๐‘™=0,ยฑ1,ยฑโ€ฆ , and ๐œ… is a real number. Residual wavenumbers ๐‘, ๐‘ž are defined by

๐‘=(๐‘˜2๐‘โˆ’๐œ…2)1/2๎€ท๐‘˜,๐‘ž=2๐‘ โˆ’๐œ…2๎€ธ1/2.(7) The notation ๐ฎ0๐ฟ๐‘™๐œ…(๐ซ), ๐ฎ0๐‘€๐‘™๐œ…(๐ซ), ๐ฎ0๐‘๐‘™๐œ…(๐ซ) and ๐ฎ+๐ฟ๐‘™๐œ…(๐ซ), ๐ฎ+๐‘€๐‘™๐œ…(๐ซ), ๐ฎ+๐‘๐‘™๐œ…(๐ซ) is used for the two basic cases with ๐‘“๐‘™ as the Bessel function ๐ฝ๐‘™ and ๐‘“๐‘™ as the Hankel function ๐ป๐‘™(1), respectively.

For scatterers at

๐‘=(๐‘ฅ,๐‘ฆ,๐‘ง)=(๐‘š๐‘‘,0,0),(8) where ๐‘‘ is the lattice period and ๐‘š runs over the integers, and for an incident plane wave as in (1), the total scattered field ๐ฎsc can be written as (cf. [3]) ๐ฎsc๎“(๐ซ)=๐‘ƒ๐‘™๎‚ƒ๐‘๐‘™+๐‘ƒ๎“๐‘๎€ทexp๐‘–๐คโˆฃโˆฃ๎€ธโ‹…๐‘โ‹…๐ฎ+๐‘ƒ๐‘™๐œ…๎‚„,(๐ซโˆ’๐‘)๐‘ƒ=๐ฟ,๐‘€,๐‘,(9) where ๐œ… is the ๐‘ฆ component of ๐คโˆฃโˆฃ.

The vector ๐›+={๐‘๐‘™+๐‘ƒ} is determined by solving the equation system

(๐ˆโˆ’๐‘‡โ‹…ฮฉ)โ‹…๐›+=๐‘‡โ‹…๐š0,(10) where ๐ˆ is the appropriate identity matrix, ๐š0={๐‘Ž๐‘™0๐‘ƒ} gives the coefficients for expansion of the incident plane wave in regular cylindrical waves ๐ฎ0๐‘ƒ๐‘™๐œ…(๐ซ), ฮฉ=ฮฉ(๐‘˜โ€–๐‘‘,๐‘๐‘‘,๐‘ž๐‘‘) is the lattice translation matrix {ฮฉ๐‘ƒ๐‘ƒโ€ฒ๐‘™;๐‘™โ€ฒ}, and ๐‘‡={๐‘‡๐‘ƒ๐‘ƒโ€ฒ๐‘™;๐‘™โ€ฒ} is the transition matrix for an individual scatterer. Specifically, ๐›๎…ž=ฮฉโ‹…๐›+ and ๐›+=๐‘‡โ‹…(๐š0+๐›๎…ž) where ๐›๎…ž={๐‘๐‘™๎…ž๐‘ƒ} gives the coefficients for expansion in regular cylindrical waves ๐ฎ0๐‘ƒ๐‘™๐œ…(๐ซ) of the scattered field from all scatterers except the one at the origin.

The R/T matrices are obtained, finally, by transforming the expansion (9) to plane waves of the type (1). Specifically, (9) can be rewritten as ๐ฎsc(๎“๐ซ)=๐ ๎“๐‘—=1,2,3ฮ”๎€ท๐‘‘๐ ,๐‘—;๐‘˜โ€–๐‘‘,๐œ…๐‘‘,๐‘๐‘‘,๐‘ž๐‘‘,๐›+๎€ธ๎‚€ร—exp๐‘–๐Šยฑ๐ ๐‘—๎‚โ‹…๐ซโ‹…๐ž๐‘—.(11) The sign in ๐Šยฑ๐ ๐‘— is given by the sign of ๐‘ง.

Explicit expressions for the ฮ” coefficients in (11) are readily obtained from (9) and (4)โ€“(6) by invoking, for ๐‘˜=๐‘ and ๐‘˜=๐‘ž, the relation

๎“๐‘š๎€ทexp๐‘–๐‘š๐‘‘๐‘˜โˆฃโˆฃ๎€ธ๎ƒฌ(๐‘ง+๐‘–(๐‘ฅโˆ’๐‘š๐‘‘))๎€ท(๐‘ฅโˆ’๐‘š๐‘‘)2+๐‘ง2๎€ธ1/2๎ƒญ๐‘™ร—๐ป๐‘™(1)๎‚€๐‘˜๎€ท(๐‘ฅโˆ’๐‘š๐‘‘)2+๐‘ง2๎€ธ1/2๎‚=2(โˆ’๐‘˜)โˆ’๐‘™ร—๎“๐‘š๎€ท๐›พ๐‘š๐‘‘๎€ธโˆ’1๎‚ƒโˆ’๎‚€๐‘˜โˆฃโˆฃ+2๐œ‹๐‘š๐‘‘๎‚+๐‘–๐›พ๐‘š๎‚„sgn(๐‘ง)๐‘™๎‚ƒ๐‘–๎‚€๐‘˜ร—expโˆฃโˆฃ+2๐œ‹๐‘š๐‘‘๎‚๐‘ฅ+๐‘–|๐‘ง|๐›พ๐‘š๎‚„,(12) where ๐›พ๐‘š=[๐‘˜2โˆ’(๐‘˜โˆฃโˆฃ+2๐œ‹๐‘š/๐‘‘)2]1/2 with Im ๐›พ๐‘šโ‰ฅ0. The relation (12) is valid for ๐‘งโ‰ 0, and it can be verified using the Poisson summation formula.

2.2. Computation of the Expansion Coefficients ๐š๐ŸŽ, the Matrices ฮฉ, and the Matrices T

An incident plane compressional wave ๐ฎinc(๐ซ)=exp(๐‘–๐‘˜๐‘๐žincโ‹…๐ซ)๐žinc, where ๐žinc=๐‘˜๐‘โˆ’1(๐‘sin๐œ‚inc,๐œ…,๐‘cos๐œ‚inc), can be expanded as

๐ฎinc(๎“๐ซ)=โˆ’๐‘™i๐‘™๎€ทexpโˆ’i๐‘™๐œ‚inc๎€ธ๐ฎ0๐ฟ๐‘™๐œ…(๐ซ).(13) Noting that ๐ฎinc(๐ซ)=โˆ‡[exp(๐‘–๐‘˜๐‘๐žincโ‹…๐ซ)]/๐‘–๐‘˜๐‘, this follows readily from the well-known Bessel function relation โˆ‘exp(๐‘–๐›พsin๐œ‚)=๐‘™๐ฝ๐‘™(๐›พ)exp(๐‘–๐‘™๐œ‚).

An incident plane shear wave of SV or SH type can be expanded by a superposition of two cases. The first case, ๐ฎinc(๐ซ)=exp(๐‘–๐‘˜๐‘ ๐žincโ‹…๐ซ)๐žโŸ‚inc=โˆ’(๐‘˜๐‘ ๐‘ž)โˆ’1โˆ‡ร—{โˆ‡ร—[exp(๐‘–๐‘˜๐‘ ๐žincโ‹…๐ซ)๐ž๐‘ฆ]} with ๐žinc=๐‘˜๐‘ โˆ’1(๐‘žsin๐œ‚inc,๐œ…,๐‘žcos๐œ‚inc) and ๐žโŸ‚inc=๐‘˜๐‘ โˆ’1(๐œ…sin๐œ‚inc,โˆ’๐‘ž,๐œ…cos๐œ‚inc), can be expanded as ๐ฎinc๐‘˜(๐ซ)=โˆ’๐‘ ๐‘ž๎“๐‘™๐‘–๐‘™๎€ทexpโˆ’i๐‘™๐œ‚inc๎€ธ๐ฎ0๐‘€๐‘™๐œ…(๐ซ).(14)

The second case, ๐ฎinc(๐ซ)=exp(๐‘–๐‘˜๐‘ ๐žincโ‹…๐ซ)๐žโŸ‚inc=๐‘–/๐‘žโˆ‡ร—[exp(๐‘–๐‘˜๐‘ ๐žincโ‹…๐ซ)๐ž๐‘ฆ] with ๐žinc as before and ๐žโŸ‚inc=(cos๐œ‚inc,0,โˆ’sin๐œ‚inc), has the expansion ๐ฎinc๐‘˜(๐ซ)=๐‘ ๐‘ž๎“๐‘™๐‘–๐‘™+1๎€ทexpโˆ’๐‘–๐‘™๐œ‚inc๎€ธ๐ฎ0๐‘๐‘™๐œ…(๐ซ).(15)

The lattice translation matrix ฮฉ(๐‘˜โˆฃโˆฃ๐‘‘,๐‘๐‘‘,๐‘ž๐‘‘) can be determined by applying, for ๐‘˜=๐‘ and ๐‘˜=๐‘ž, the relation ๎“๐‘šโ‰ 0๎€ทexp๐‘–๐‘š๐‘‘๐‘˜โ€–๎€ธ๎ƒฌ(๐‘ง+๐‘–(๐‘ฅโˆ’๐‘š๐‘‘))๎€ท(๐‘ฅโˆ’๐‘š๐‘‘)2+๐‘ง2๎€ธ1/2๎ƒญ๐‘™ร—H๐‘™(1)๎‚€๐‘˜๎€ท(๐‘ฅโˆ’๐‘š๐‘‘)2+๐‘ง2๎€ธ1/2๎‚=๎“๐‘›๎ƒฌ(๐‘ง+๐‘–๐‘ฅ)๎€ท๐‘ฅ2+๐‘ง2๎€ธ1/2๎ƒญ๐‘›ฮ˜๐‘™โˆ’๐‘›๎€ท๐‘˜โ€–๎€ธ๐ฝ๐‘‘,๐‘˜๐‘‘๐‘›(๐‘˜๐‘Ÿ),(16) where the last sum is taken over all integers ๐‘› and ฮ˜๐‘™๎€ท๐‘˜โ€–๎€ธ๐‘‘,๐‘˜๐‘‘=๐‘–โˆ’๐‘™๎“๐‘š>0๎€ทexp๐‘–๐‘š๐‘‘๐‘˜โ€–๎€ธH๐‘™(1)(๐‘š๐‘˜๐‘‘)+๐‘–๐‘™๎“๐‘š>0๎€ทexpโˆ’๐‘–๐‘š๐‘‘๐‘˜โ€–๎€ธH๐‘™(1)(๐‘š๐‘˜๐‘‘).(17) This relation follows from the Graf addition theorem [20] for Bessel functions. The elements {ฮฉ๐‘ƒ๐‘ƒโ€ฒ๐‘™;๐‘™โ€ฒ} of the lattice translation matrix ฮฉ(๐‘˜โ€–๐‘‘,๐‘๐‘‘,๐‘ž๐‘‘) vanish unless ๐‘ƒ=๐‘ƒ๎…ž. The remaining elements depend on ๐‘™ and ๐‘™๎…ž through |๐‘™โˆ’๐‘™๎…ž| only. Explicitly, ฮฉ๐ฟ๐ฟโ€ฒ๐‘™;๐‘™โ€ฒ=ฮ˜๐‘™โˆ’๐‘™โ€ฒ๎€ท๐‘˜โ€–๎€ธ,ฮฉ๐‘‘,๐‘๐‘‘๐‘€๐‘€โ€ฒ๐‘™;๐‘™โ€ฒ=ฮฉ๐‘๐‘โ€ฒ๐‘™;๐‘™โ€ฒ=ฮ˜๐‘™โˆ’๐‘™โ€ฒ๎€ท๐‘˜โˆฃโˆฃ๎€ธ.๐‘‘,๐‘ž๐‘‘(18) Moroz [21] has published a representation of lattice sums in terms of exponentially convergent series, which has been used in the present work for numerical evaluation of the ฮ˜ quantities defined in (17).

For a homogeneous cylindrical scatterer, the interior field and the exterior field can be expanded in cylindrical waves ๐ฎ0๐‘ƒ๐‘™๐œ…(๐ซ) and ๐ฎ0๐‘ƒ๐‘™๐œ…(๐ซ),๐ฎ+๐‘ƒ๐‘™๐œ…(๐ซ), respectively. An equation system for the ๐‘‡-matrix elements ๐‘‡={๐‘‡๐‘ƒ๐‘ƒโ€ฒ๐‘™;๐‘™โ€ฒ}, which depend on ๐œ…, is then readily obtained from the standard boundary conditions concerning continuity of displacement and traction at the cylinder surface. The scatterer as well as the host medium can be either fluid or solid. Because of the circular symmetry with a cylindrical scatterer, scattering only appears to the same ๐‘™ component (๐‘™๎…ž=๐‘™). Details concerning the case ๐œ…=0, for which the ๐‘ƒ-SV (๐‘ƒ,๐‘ƒ๎…žโ‰ ๐‘€) and SH (๐‘ƒ=๐‘ƒ๎…ž=๐‘€) solutions decouple, are given by Mei et al. [9].

3. Different Types of Scatterers at the Same Interface

The LMS method is commonly applied for lattices with identical cylindrical scatterers within the same layer. As shown below, however, different types of scatterers within the same layer can also be accommodated. A similar extension for the restriction to in-plane wave propagation is made in Ivansson [22].

An illustration is given in Figure 2. Centered at the same ๐‘ง level, at each of the three scatterer interfaces, there are two types of cylindrical scatterers. Each scatterer interface is treated separately. Choosing coordinates appropriately, scatterers of the first type, with transition matrix ๐‘‡ and scattered-field expansion coefficients denoted ๐›+, appear at ๐‘=๐‘šโ‹…(๐‘‘,0,0), for integers ๐‘š. Scatterers of the second type, with transition matrix ๐‘ˆ and scattered-field expansion coefficients denoted ๐œ+, appear at points ๐’ in between, that is, ๐’=(๐‘š+1/2)โ‹…(๐‘‘,0,0). The reciprocal lattice vectors become ๐ =(2๐œ‹๐‘š/๐‘‘,0,0), where m runs over the integers.

The generalization of the expression (9) for the scattered field becomes

๐ฎsc๎“(๐ซ)=๐‘ƒ๐‘™๎‚ƒ๐‘๐‘™+๐‘ƒ๎“๐‘๎€ทexp๐‘–๐คโ€–๎€ธโ‹…๐‘โ‹…๐ฎ+๐‘ƒ๐‘™๐œ…๎‚„+๎“(๐ซโˆ’๐‘)๐‘ƒ๐‘™๎‚ƒ๐‘๐‘™+๐‘ƒ๎“๐’๎€ทexp๐‘–๐คโ€–๎€ธโ‹…๐’โ‹…๐ฎ+๐‘ƒ๐‘™๐œ…๎‚„.(๐ซโˆ’๐’)(19) It follows that ๐›+๎€ท๐š=๐‘‡โ‹…0+๐›๎…ž+๐›๎…ž๎…ž๎€ธ,๐œ+๎€ท๐š=๐‘ˆโ‹…0+๐œ๎…ž+๐œ๎…ž๎…ž๎€ธ,(20) where, for a scatterer of the first type at ๐‘, exp(๐‘–๐คโ€–โ‹…๐‘)๐›๎…ž and exp(๐‘–๐คโ€–โ‹…๐‘)๐›๎…ž๎…žgive the coefficients for expansion in regular cylindrical waves ๐ฎ0๐‘ƒ๐‘™๐œ…(๐ซโˆ’๐‘) of the scattered field from all other scatterers of the first and the second types, respectively. The vectors ๐œ๎…ž and ๐œ๎…ž๎…ž are defined analogously. For a scatterer of the second type at ๐’, exp(๐‘–๐คโ€–โ‹…๐’)๐œ๎…ž and exp(i๐คโˆฃโˆฃโ‹…๐’)๐œ๎…ž๎…ž thus give the coefficients for expansion in regular cylindrical waves ๐ฎ๐‘™๐œ…0๐‘ƒ(๐ซโˆ’๐’) of the scattered field from all other scatterers of the second and the first types, respectively.

With ฮฉ0=ฮฉ(๐‘˜โˆฃโˆฃ๐‘‘,๐‘๐‘‘,๐‘ž๐‘‘), it follows that ๐›๎…ž=ฮฉ0โ‹…๐›+ and ๐œ๎…ž=ฮฉ0โ‹…๐œ+. For a certain matrix ฮฉdif, to be determined, ๐›๎…ž๎…ž=ฮฉdifโ‹…๐œ+ and ๐œ๎…ž๎…ž=ฮฉdifโ‹…๐›+. The equation system for determination of ๐›+ and ๐œ+ becomes ๎€ท๐ˆโˆ’๐‘‡โ‹…ฮฉ0๎€ธโ‹…๐›+โˆ’๐‘‡โ‹…ฮฉdifโ‹…๐œ+=๐‘‡โ‹…๐š0,โˆ’๐‘ˆโ‹…ฮฉdifโ‹…๐›++๎€ท๐ˆโˆ’๐‘ˆโ‹…ฮฉ0๎€ธโ‹…๐œ+=๐‘ˆโ‹…๐š0.(21)

In order to form the R/T matrices, incident plane waves with different horizontal wavenumber vectors ๐คโ€–+๐ inc=(๐‘˜โ€–+๐‘”inc,๐œ…,0) have to be considered, where ๐‘”inc belongs to the set {2๐œ‹๐‘š/๐‘‘} providing the reciprocal lattice. Noting that the union of the scatterer positions is a small square lattice with period ๐‘‘/2, the following expression for ฮฉdif as a difference of ฮฉ matrices is directly obtained ฮฉdif๎ƒฉ๎€ท๐‘˜=ฮฉโˆฃโˆฃ+๐‘”inc๎€ธ๐‘‘2,๐‘๐‘‘2,๐‘ž๐‘‘2๎ƒชโˆ’ฮฉ0.(22) Only those ๐ inc in {(2๐œ‹๐‘š/๐‘‘,0,0)} for which ๐‘š is even are reciprocal vectors for the small lattice with period ๐‘‘/2. Since a lattice translation matrix ฮฉ is periodic in its first argument with period 2๐œ‹, there will be two groups of ๐ inc with different ฮฉdif matrices according to (22). Specifically, ฮฉdif,even๎‚ต๐‘˜=ฮฉโˆฃโˆฃ๐‘‘2,๐‘๐‘‘2,๐‘ž๐‘‘2๎‚ถโˆ’ฮฉ0(23) pertains to ๐ inc=(2๐œ‹๐‘š/๐‘‘,0,0) with even ๐‘š, and ฮฉdif,odd๎‚ต๐‘˜=ฮฉโˆฃโˆฃ๐‘‘2+๐œ‹,๐‘๐‘‘2,๐‘ž๐‘‘2๎‚ถโˆ’ฮฉ0(24) pertains to ๐ inc = (2ฯ€ m/d, 0, 0) with odd m.

The transformation of the expansion (19) to plane waves of the type (1) can be done separately for each of the ๐‘ and ๐’ sums. In the latter case, the translation from the origin causes a sign change for some combinations of incident (๐ inc) and scattered (๐ sc) reciprocal lattice vectors. Specifically, with ๐ inc=(2๐œ‹๐‘šinc/๐‘‘,0,0) and ๐ sc=(2๐œ‹๐‘šsc/๐‘‘,0,0), the double sum corresponding to the one in (11) appears as ๐ฎsc(๎“๐ซ)=๐ sc๎“๐‘—=1,2,3(โˆ’1)๐‘šincโˆ’๐‘šscฮ”๎€ท๐‘‘๐ sc,๐‘—;๐‘˜โ€–๐‘‘,๐œ…๐‘‘,๐‘๐‘‘,๐‘ž๐‘‘,๐œ+๎€ธ๎‚€ร—exp๐‘–๐Šยฑ๐ sc๐‘—๎‚โ‹…๐ซโ‹…๐ž๐‘—.(25)

4. Designing 2D PC Slabs with a Transmission Gap

It is well known that band gaps can appear when scatterers with a large density are arranged periodically in a host with a small density. A particular 2D PC slab example with lead cylinders in epoxy was considered in Mei et al. [12]. The epoxy parameters were 2540 and 1159.817โ€‰m/s for the compressional- and shear-wave velocities, respectively, and 1.18โ€‰kg/dm3 for the density. Corresponding lead material parameters were 2160 and 860.568โ€‰m/s, and 11.4โ€‰kg/dm3. The slab was formed by sixteen layers of lead cylinders, each with a radius of 3.584โ€‰mm, with a spacing between cylinder centers of 11.598โ€‰mm in the ๐‘ฅ as well as ๐‘ง directions, cf. Figure 1 where there are three layers. A band gap centered at about 60โ€‰kHz was found. (Dimensionless frequencies and distances were actually used in the paper, but a specialization is made here.)

Figure 3 is a contour plot of the transmittance, that is, time- (and space-) averaged transmitted energy flux relative to the incident one, up to 120โ€‰kHz. The vertical axis is for the angle ๐œƒ, where the direction vector of the incident compressional plane wave is (sin๐œƒcos๐œ‘, sin๐œƒsin๐œ‘, cos๐œƒ). In-plane and out-of-plane incidence angles are considered together in Figure 3, where the upper half with ๐œ‘=0โˆ˜ concerns incidence in the ๐‘ฅ๐‘ง plane (in-plane propagation) and the lower half with ๐œ‘=90โˆ˜ concerns incidence in the ๐‘ฆ๐‘ง plane. Only the first Brillouin zone is involved, since ๐‘˜๐‘ฅ=๐œ”/๐›ผsin๐œƒcos๐œ‘<2๐œ‹/๐‘‘when ๐›ผ equals the epoxy compressional-wave velocity 2540โ€‰m/s, ๐‘‘=11.598โ€‰mm, and the frequency is less than ๐›ผ/๐‘‘=219โ€‰kHz. Of course, the band gap from Mei et al. [12], at about 60โ€‰kHz, shows up clearly in this kind of plot. One might wonder how the geometrical and/or material parameters of the slab should be modified to achieve a prescribed desired change of the appearance of the gap.

Global optimization methods can be used to design PC slabs with desirable properties. Simulated annealing, genetic algorithms and differential evolution (DE) are three kinds of such methods, that have become popular during the last fifteen years. DE, to be applied here, is related to genetic algorithms, but the parameters are not encoded in bit strings, and genetic operators such as crossover and mutation are replaced by algebraic operators [16].

As a very simple example, to try to position and widen the gap in Figure 3, an objective function for DE minimization is specified as the maximum transmittance in the frequency band 45โ€“65โ€‰kHz when the incidence angle ๐œƒ is varied between 0โˆ˜ and 20โˆ˜ for the two azimuthal angles ๐œ‘=0โˆ˜ (in-plane propagation in the ๐‘ฅ๐‘ง plane) and ๐œ‘=90โˆ˜ (propagation in the ๐‘ฆ๐‘ง plane). A configuration with cylinders of two alternating sizes is allowed, as depicted in Figure 2. Still, the slab is formed by sixteen layers of cylinders. The following seven parameters are varied within the indicated search space: scatterer compressional-wave velocity ๐›ผ [1500โ€‰m/s โ‰ค๐›ผโ‰ค 3000โ€‰m/s], scatterer shear-wave velocity ๐›ฝ [650โ€‰m/s โ‰ค๐›ฝโ‰ค 1200โ€‰m/s], scatterer density ๐œŒ [7โ€‰kg/dm3 โ‰ค๐œŒโ‰ค 14โ€‰kg/dm3], layer thickness โ„Ž [8 โ‰คโ„Žโ‰ค 16โ€‰mm], the largest scatterer radius ๐‘Ÿmax [0.225โ€‰โ„Ž โ‰ค ๐‘Ÿmaxโ‰ค 0.4โ€‰โ„Ž], the smallest scatterer radius ๐‘Ÿmin [0.45โ€‰๐‘Ÿmaxโ‰ค๐‘Ÿminโ‰ค๐‘Ÿmax], the lattice period ๐‘‘[8(๐‘Ÿmax+๐‘Ÿmin)/3 โ‰ค๐‘‘โ‰ค 4 (๐‘Ÿmax+๐‘Ÿmin)]. The layer thickness โ„Ž is the ๐‘ง distance between subsequent scatterer interfaces (cf. Figure 2).

Table 1 shows the optimum obtained with DE, along with corresponding parameter values. A reduction of the transmitted field with more than 160โ€‰dB is achieved throughout the band 45โ€“65โ€‰kHz and throughout the solid angle intervals 0โˆ˜<๐œƒ<20โˆ˜ for ๐œ‘=0โˆ˜, ๐œ‘=90โˆ˜ for the direction of incidence. High-velocity high-density cylinders seem preferable, since the lead velocities and density are all increased to values close to the upper ends of the corresponding search intervals. In this case, as large as possible values of ๐›ผ, ๐›ฝ, and ๐œŒ could in fact have been fixed from the start. Moreover, the cylinders are almost as densely packed horizontally as allowed by the search interval for ๐‘‘. Hence, the optimization could in fact have been simplified considerably. With only a few free parameters, a complete search, for example, can be a feasible alternative.

Compared to Figure 3, the contour plot in Figure 4 of the transmittance for the optimized PC slab shows a band gap around 60โ€‰kHz that has become significantly wider and also deeper. The allowed increases of ๐›ผ, ๐›ฝ, ๐œŒ, and (๐‘Ÿmax+๐‘Ÿmin)/๐‘‘ are certainly essential for producing this effect. Variation of โ„Ž, ๐‘Ÿmax, and ๐‘Ÿmin is needed to position the band gap at the desired frequency interval. Although the optimization was performed with the restriction 0โˆ˜<๐œƒ<20โˆ˜, small transmittance is apparently achieved for all angles ๐œƒ (0โˆ˜<๐œƒ<90โˆ˜).

It turns out that the transmittance for the optimized PC slab remains small within the 45โ€“65โ€‰kHz band for all out-of-plane incidence angles (an โ€œabsoluteโ€ band gap). Figure 5 shows the transmittance in the same way as Figure 4, but for ๐œ‘=0โˆ˜ changed to ๐œ‘=30โˆ˜ and ๐œ‘=90โˆ˜ changed to ๐œ‘=60โˆ˜. The upper and lower halves exhibit increased symmetry, since the ๐œ‘ angles involved are closer to one another.

Apparently, the optimized PC slab has large transmittance below about 30โ€‰kHz and there are regions with large transmittance above 80โ€‰kHz as well. The band gap with small transmittance extends to higher frequencies, than those in the band 45โ€“65โ€‰kHz, for plane-wave incidence directions with either large ๐œƒ or small ๐œ‘.

The efficacy of the DE technique can be illustrated by showing the decrease of the maximum transmittance within the specified frequency/angle region as the number of tested parameter settings for the PC slab evolves. Figure 6 shows this decrease for the example from Figure 4. A comparison to the much less efficient MonteCarlo method, with random selection of parameters from the search space, is included. The low efficiency of the MonteCarlo approach shows that the desired PC slabs with small transmittance only appear in a small portion of the search space. For example, only about 0.15% of the random slab selections had a maximum transmittance below โˆ’20โ€‰dB within the specified frequency/angle region. About 0.01% had a maximum transmittance below โˆ’100โ€‰dB.

The difference between ๐‘Ÿmax and ๐‘Ÿmin in Table 1 is rather small. Optimization was also tried with all cylinders of exactly the same radius, as in Figure 1. The obtained optimum, with cylinders of radius 4.2503โ€‰mm and slightly modified values for the other parameters, was almost as good as the one presented in Table 1. The advantages with cylinders of different sizes are expected to be more significant in more complicated filtering cases, involving, for example, more than one frequency band.

5. Conclusions

The layer multiple-scattering (LMS) method is a fast semianalytical technique for computing scattering from layers including periodic scatterer lattices. For the 2D case with cylindrical scatterers and any solid angle direction of an incident plane wave, an extension has been made to scatterer lattices with cylindrical scatterers of two different sizes in the same horizontal plane.

Global optimization methods from inverse theory are useful for designing PC slabs with desirable properties. A differential evolution algorithm has been applied here to position and widen an โ€œabsoluteโ€ band gap for a certain 2D PC slab. Although only limited angle intervals for the direction of incidence were included for the optimization, small transmittance was achieved for all solid angles specifying the direction of the incident wave.

The possibility to include cylindrical scatterers of two different sizes in the same horizontal plane provides an additional degree of freedom that can be useful for PC design purposes. In the presented example, with its specification of objective function and search intervals for the parameters, however, the difference between the optimal cylinder radii was rather small and the improvement only marginal. The additional flexibility is expected to be more important in more complicated filtering applications. For example, specified regions in frequency-angle space with large transmittance could be desired in addition to specified regions with small transmittance.


Alexander Moroz kindly provided his Fortran routine for calculation of lattice sums.