Research Article

Kinematic and Electromyographic Activity Changes during Back Squat with Submaximal and Maximal Loading

Table 1

A description of the positioning of each electrode in relation to the muscle being tested developed by Brouer and Houtz [26] and described by Gullet et al. [4].

MuscleElectrode placement

Rectus femorisApproximately midway between the anterior inferior iliac spine and the patella on the anterior side of the thigh
Vastus lateralisApproximately two-thirds of the thigh length from the greater trochanter on the lateral side of the thigh
Vastus medialisApproximately three-fourths of the thigh length from the anterior inferior iliac spine on the medial side of the thigh
Erector spinaeThree centimeters lateral to the L3 spinous process
Gluteus maximus50% on the line between the sacral vertebrae and the greater trochanter. This position corresponds with the greatest prominence of the middle of the buttocks well above the visible bulge of the greater trochanter
Biceps femorisMidway between the ischial tuberosity and the lateral condyle of the femur on the posterior side of the thigh
SemitendinosusMidway between the ischial tuberosity and the medial condyle of the femur on the posterior side of the thigh
Reference electrodeThe iliac crest of the right leg