Research Article

Effect of Task Failure on Intermuscular Coherence Measures in Synergistic Muscles

Figure 4

Pairwise coherence. Pairwise z-score intermuscular coherence profiles (solid lines) as averaged across all subjects for baseline (solid black line) and task failure (solid grey line) and residual pairwise z-score intermuscular coherence profiles (dashed lines) as averaged across all subjects for baseline (dashed black line) and task failure (dashed grey line). Profiles are depicted for the conditions (a) LIE and (b) HIE and for the pairs (from the top): VL-VM, VL-RF, and VM-RF. Dotted black line represents the confidence level. RF: rectus femoris; VL: vastus lateralis; VM: vastus medialis; LIE: low-intensity exercise; HIE: high-intensity exercise.