Research Article

Gait Analysis of Patients Subjected to the Atrophic Mandible Augmentation with Iliac Bone Graft

Table 2

Mean (±standard deviation) values of kinematic gait parameters obtained during pre-op, post-op1, post-op2, and post-op3 periods.

Kinematics parametersPre-op (Deg)Post-op1 (Deg)Post-op2 (Deg)Post-op3 (Deg)Statistical significance

RoM pelvic obliquity-; -
-; -
RoM pelvic tilt-; -;-
Mean pelvic tilt-; -;-
RoM pelvic rotation-; -
-; -
Mean hip abd/add-----; -; -
Peak hip ext----; -
Peak hip flex-
RoM hip flex/ext-; -; -
RoM hip rotation-; -
-; -
RoM knee flex/ext-; -; -
Peak knee flex/ext at initial contact-; -
-; -
Peak knee ext at midstance-; -
-; -; -
Peak knee flex-; -
RoM ankle dorsi/plantar flex-; -; -
Peak ankle dorsi flex-; -; -
Peak ankle plantar flex----; -; -

-: statistical significance between pre-op and post-op1. -: statistical significance between pre-op and post-op2. -: statistical significance between pre-op and post-op3. -: statistical significance between post-op1 and post-op2. -: statistical significance between post-op1 and post-op3. -: statistical significance between post-op2 and post-op3. RoM: range of motion; abd: abduction; add: adduction; ext: extension; flex: flexion.