Research Article

Flux Analysis of the Trypanosoma brucei Glycolysis Based on a Multiobjective-Criteria Bioinformatic Approach

Figure 2

Illustration of the dynamics of a Flux Petri Net (FPN). (a) depicts the initial state of the FPN, while (b)–(d) depict its states after three transitions have been fired. This FPN comprises five places ( ) and three transitions ( ). The transition consumes three tokens of , produces one token of , and has an associated flux distribution of 5%. Similarly, transition consumes one token of , produces one token of , two tokens of , and has an associated flux of 90%. In the initial state (a), the place contains five tokens, colored differently to be distinguishable. Since requires three tokens of , requires one token of , two tokens of ; that contains five tokens; the three transitions , , and are enabled in this configuration. The corresponding probabilities for each transition are ,     and   . Suppose we select with probability 0.05, then three tokens of p1 are consumed and one token of is produced through . In the second state (b), only and are enabled, since the required number of tokens for in is not satisfied. This time, the respective probabilities associated with and are given by   ,  and . Suppose is selected, it consumes one token of and produces one token of and two of . In the third state (c), only transition is enabled, and the FPN reaches a state (d) after firing where no transition is enabled.