Research Article

Do Peers See More in a Paper Than Its Authors?

Table 2

Categories used in the manual annotation.

CategoriesDescriptionExamplesMeSH Tree IDs

E (entities)Genes and proteinsMCM, protein, ORC, Skp2D06, D08, D12, and D23.529
F (function)Biological function or processRegulation, pathway, and functionG, F01, F02
D (dependency)Relationship typeInvolve, causeN/A
X (characteristic)ModifierUnstable, common, and ionizingN/A
L (location)Cellular or molecular partC-terminal, cytosol, and motifA
S (species)Any taxonomic descriptionHuman, mammal, and S. cerevisiae B
T (time)Temporal informationDuring, after, and followingN/A
M (exp methods)Methods and their componentsRecombination, transfectE
H (chemicals)Not including genes/proteinsDNA, thymidine, and phosphorylD (except: D06, D08, D12, and D23.529)
R (disorders)Names and associated termsCancer, tumor, and patientC, F03
Special Types:
 IDs with subtypesSubtype of a BASIC typeRetain-change, common-distinct
 IDs with oppositeOpposite of a BASIC typeCell cycle—G phase, CDK–CDK2
 Complex IDsCombination of BASIC typesRadio-resistant DNA synthesis