Research Article

A Hybrid Method for Endocardial Contour Extraction of Right Ventricle in 4-Slices from 3D Echocardiography Dataset

Algorithm 2

Improved radial search method.
(1) Input: Binary-threshold Image, S
(2) Intput: Maximum Distances,
(3) Output: Processed Image,   / *  The extracted contour of RV endocardial  */
(4)    /*  Call the radial search procedure based on maximum */
(5)     /* distance for each part of RV cavity */
(8) Procedure Radial_search (, , D max) /* Start implementation of improved radial-search  */
(9) Begin
(10) For   to       /* iterative circle scanning loop  */
(11) Begin
(13)   /*  where,   and    are the contour coordinates  */
(14) + )   /*   =1 is the initial value of radius length  */
(15) nL  : I :   /*  where is the new value of raduis length  */
(16) While  ((, ) 255) and ( < D max)   /*  Repeat loop until the contour pixel is found  */
(17) Begin            /*  the value of which is equal to 255  */
(18) (, ) 0: + 1    /*  or reaching the maximum distance  */
(19)     /*  otherwise increase the by 1  */
(20) )
(21) :
(22) end_while
(23)   /* Save coordinates of border points in two scalars  */
(24) end_for
(25) Return (), ()