Research Article

Contribution to the Macrophytic Typology of Belgian Reference Watercourses

Figure 3

MFA ordination of the Arden sites. Plot of the sites and their parameters on the two first axes (% variance axis 1 = 23.9, axis 2 = 15.2). Abbreviations: LOASIT: low altitude site, HIASIT: high altitude site, EXHIASIT: extremely high altitude site, HIASP: high altitude spring, VEHIASP: very high altitude spring, EXHIASP: extremely high altitude spring, MESLP: medium slope, STSLP: strong slope, EXSTSLP: extremely strong slope, SHAD: shady, MOSUNLIT: moderately sunlit, SUNLIT: sunlit, FF: deciduous forest, FR: conifer forest, FRF: deciduous and conifer forest, PRFR: meadow and conifer forest, BOUL: boulder, BEDR: bedrock, and SMALLBRO: small brooks.