Research Article

Rhizogenesis in Cell Suspension Culture from Mango Ginger: A Source of Isosorbide and n-Hexadecanoic Acid

Table 3

Effect of initial inoculum density on adventitious root formation.

Initial inoculum density (g FW)Root biomass (g FW)*Growth ratio

2.551.60 ± 0.50e20.64
5.087.20 ± 0.34b17.44
10.0121.00 ± 0.78a12.10
15.078.87 ± 0.52c5.20
20.064.27 ± 0.54d3.21

Data was recorded from 5-week-old adventitious root cultures.
All experiments were carried out three times with at least 15 cultures.
*Data represented mean ± SE, mean within a column followed by same letter is not significantly different according to Duncan’s multiple range (DMRT) test, < 0.05.