Research Article

Structural Concrete Prepared with Coarse Recycled Concrete Aggregate: From Investigation to Design

Table 3

Mixture proportions of concretes made of 30% coarse recycled aggregates.


Water, kg140140153165165176186186
Cement 42.5R, kg350340330320310
Cement 32.5R, kg350330310
Quartz sand, kg (% in volume)732 (40)732 (40)723 (40)715 (40)715 (40)708 (40)702 (40)702 (40)
Fine gravel, kg (% in volume)553 (30)553 (30)547 (30)541 (30)541 (30)535 (30)531 (30)531 (30)
Coarse recycled aggregate, kg (% in volume)523 (30)523 (30)517 (30)511 (30)511 (30)506 (30)501 (30)501 (30)
Superplasticizer, % by weight of cement1.