Research Article

Stability Evaluation of Volcanic Slope Subjected to Rainfall and Freeze-Thaw Action Based on Field Monitoring

Table 1

Specifications of monitoring instruments.

Monitoring instrumentsSpecificationsSymbols (unit)

(1) Soil moisture meterPrecision: ±0.003% vol, Reading Range: Oven dry to saturationθ (%)
(2) TensiometerPrecision: 0.5% FS, temperature/humidity: −10 to 80°C (ice-free)/35 to 85% RHP (kPa)
(3) ThermometerClass A, ±(0.15 + 0.002 t)°C , (°C)
(4) ClinometerPrecision: ±10 deg, (multiple inclination transducer: 7-layers)(mm)
(5) Settlement gaugeReading range: 0 to 100 mm, temperature: −10 to 70°CS (mm)
(6) AnemovanePrecision: 0.3 m/s ± 3 deg, reading range: 0 to 100 m/s(m/s)
(7) Snow gaugePrecision: ±10 mm or 0.4% FS, reading range: 0.5 to 10 m(mm)
(8) Rainfall gaugePrecision: ±0.5 mm, reading range: 20 mm(mm/min)

θ: water content by volume, P: pore pressure, and : temperatures in the air and in the slope, S: settlement.