Review Article

Bosonic Spectral Function and the Electron-Phonon Interaction in HTSC Cuprates

Figure 30

Second derivative of 𝐼 ( 𝑉 ) for Bi2212 tunnelling junctions for various doping: UD—underdoped; OD—optimally doped; OVD—overdoped system. The structure of minima in 𝑑 2 𝐼 / 𝑑 𝑉 2 can be compared with the phonon density of states 𝐹 ( 𝜔 ) . The full and vertical lines mark the positions of the magnetic resonance energy 𝐸 𝑟 5 . 4 𝑇 𝑐 for various doping taken from Figure 29. Red tiny arrows mark positions of the magnetic resonance 𝐸 𝑟 in various doped systems. Dotted vertical lines mark various phonon modes. From [55].