Review Article

Through a Lattice Darkly: Shedding Light on Electron-Phonon Coupling in the High Tc Cuprates

Figure 16

(a-b) Raw IXS phonon spectrum taken from optimally doped La-Bi2201 at 10 K. (a) Focusing on the high-energy part and the LO phonon dispersions for = (3 + , 0, 0) with ranging from the BZ center to the BZ face. (b) Stronger low-energy part of the phonon spectrum. Solid lines indicate fits, dashed lines show the elastic tail, and dotted lines indicate the modes. (c-d) The peaks of these dispersions are plotted with cosine-dashed lines for the two potential dispersion scenarios: crossing (c) and anticrossing (d). The figures taken are from [62].