Research Article

Multiple Autoantibodies Display Association with Lymphopenia, Proteinuria, and Cellular Casts in a Large, Ethnically Diverse SLE Patient Cohort

Figure 1

Prevalence of ACR classification criteria and subcriteria. ACR classification criteria (a) and subcriteria (b) prevalence by ethnicity are shown. European American (white bar), African American (black bar), Hispanic (dark grey bar), and other (multiracial/multiethnic, unknown, Asian, and American Indian, striped bar) are displayed. The most common classification criteria met are ANA, arthritis, hematologic, and immunologic. The most common ACR classification subcriteria is lymphopenia. Statistically significant differences ( 𝑃 < 0 . 0 5 ) are represented by stars. ****represents statistically different from all other racial groups; *represents statistical difference from EA; **represents statistical difference from AA; ***represents statistical difference from HI, and the striped star is difference from other.