Research Article

Is Dopamine an Iatrogenic Disruptor of Thyroid and Cortisol Function in the Extremely Premature Infant?

Table 1

Comparison of infants exposed to dopamine and infants not exposed to dopamine treatment.

Dopamine exposure
No dopamine (D−)
Difference (95% CI D+ minus D−) value

Gender (males)
21.0 (60%)22 (51%)0.09 (−0.26, 0.54)

Gestation (weeks) −1.44 (−1.93, −0.93)<0.001
24.54 (1.27)25.98 (0.98)

Maternal steroids 0.08 (−0.68, 2.65)
33.0 (94%)37.0 (86%)

Maternal age −6.19 (−16.62, 4.24)0.241
27.97 (4.42)30.16 (30.47)

Lowest mean arterial pressure −4.77 (−7.01, −2.49)<0.001
22.0 (4.92)26.75 (3.87)

Highest blood lactate in the first 12 hours 0.34 (−1.11, 1.80)0.121
6.44 (3.32)6.10 (2.74)

CRIB score 3.51 (1.92, 5.10)<0.001
7.25 (4.03)3.74 (2.67)

FT4 (pmol/L) −7.19 (−9.81, −4.58)<0.001
6.48 (4.01)13.61 (5.01)

TSH (mU/L) −0.78 (−1.92, 0.36)0.177#
Median 2.21Median 2.98
IQR (1.1, 3.4)IQR (2.32)

TT4 (nmol/L) −33.68 (−51.49, −15.86)0.018
46.22 (33.60)79.90 (32.87)

TT3 (nmol/L) −0.38 (−0.58, −0.18)0.012
0.40 (0.22)0.77 (0.35)

Cortisol (nmol/L) 219.260.380
521.67 (454.80)480.40 (192.50)(54.44, 384.08)

Data expressed as mean (SD) for continuous parametric outcomes, Student’s -test; (%) for categorical outcomes, chi-square, median, and interquartile ranges (IQR) for nonparametric outcomes; Mann-Whitney and difference in medians calculated using Hodges-Lehmann estimate and Moses distribution free 95% confidence interval.