Research Article

Comparative Bioremediation of Crude Oil-Amended Tropical Soil Microcosms by Natural Attenuation, Bioaugmentation, or Bioenrichment

Figure 4

Ordination biplot displaying the first and second axis of a canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) using DGGE profiles (biological variables, open circles) and environmental variables (arrows) from Cantagalo and Panelas soils microcosms after 120 days of the bioremediation experiment. (1) MNA/Cantagalo, (2) MNAS/Cantagalo, (3) BE/Cantagalo, (4) BES/Cantagalo, (5) MNA/Panelas, (6) MNAS/Panelas, (7) BA/Panelas, and (8) BAS/Panelas.