Research Article

Interactions of Soil Order and Land Use Management on Soil Properties in the Kukart Watershed, Kyrgyzstan

Figure 3

Three-dimensional plots showing three enzyme activities at a time under forest (blue), pasture (green), and cultivated (red). Soils were grouped according to taxonomy and are distinguished by squares (soils under Black-brown and Meadow-steppe or Mollisols), circles represent Brown soil (Alfisols) and triangles represent Sierozems (Inceptisols). The first two depths were summed for forest sites (Su1, KA1, and KA2) and for two of the pasture sites (KSr, KK1). The third pasture site is abbreviated KSu. The cultivated sites are abbreviated (Su2, Tai, and KK2. Details regarding the sites are described in Table 1.