Review Article

Soil Health Management under Hill Agroecosystem of North East India

Table 4

Effect of different land use systems developed under FSRP, Meghalaya on soil properties.

CharacteristicsAgroforestry systems
Natural fallowAbandoned jhum landSilvipastoralAgri-horti-silvipastoralSilvihorti-culture

pH4.99 (4.90)4.76 (5.20)4.52 (5.10)4.92 (4.90)4.91 (4.90)
Organic C (%)2.94 (1.85)3.42 (1.90)2.61 (1.80)2.97 (1.82)2.97 (1.80)
Exchangeable Ca [cmol (p+) kg−1]1.96 (1.15)1.57 (1.16)1.25 (1.10)2.11 (1.20)2.00 (1.20)
Exchangeable Mg [cmol (p+) kg−1]0.55 (1.15)0.38 (1.16)0.43 (1.20)1.45 (1.20)0.85 (0.60)
Exchangeable Al [cmol (p+) kg−1]0.881.301.560.900.90
Available N (ppm)179.2251.1214.5220.3210.9
Available P (ppm)
Available K (ppm)175.6130.898.0162.7265.0
Available S (ppm)14.514.810.419.912.9

Figures in parentheses indicate the initial values at the start of the project.
Source: [19].