Research Article

Potential Use of Organic- and Hard-Rock Mine Wastes on Aided Phytostabilization of Large-Scale Mine Tailings under Semiarid Mediterranean Climatic Conditions: Short-Term Field Study

Table 6

Evolution of the concentration of copper in aerial plant biomass (mean ± standard deviation, n = 3) from the time of establishment of the field assay (year 1 or 2006) and after 2 years (year 3 or 2008). Codes of treatments follow Table 1. Values followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P < 0.05 according to a two-way ANOVA and LSD Fisher test.

TreatmentCu in shoot (mg kg−1)
Y1 Y3

C 237 ± 120.3abc 203 ± 19.6abc
RM 310 ± 215.7bcd 390 ±433.4cde
RMS 90 ± 8.3a 270 ± 217.0bcd
B1 826 ± 480.6f 207 ± 90.5abc
B2 144 ± 40.9ab
G1 189 ± 69.8abc 345 ± 268.8bcde
G2 231 ± 114.9abc 187 ± 48.4abc
O1 559 ± 428.9e
O2 507 ± 493.2de 280 ± 202.4bc
GB 427 ± 274.4de 154 ± 31.5ab
GM 316 ± 293.3bcde 180 ± 35.4abc
OB 235 ± 104.9abc 207 ± 94.2abc
OM 275 ± 83.4bcd 312 ± 162.8bcde

Y1: year 1; Y3: year 3.