Research Article

Physicochemical Properties and Surface Charge Characteristics of Arid Soils in Southeastern Iran

Table 1

General information on the studied pedons.

PedonSoil classificationReliefPhysiographyLand useParent materialDrainage

1Fine loamy, mixed (calcareous), hyperthermic, Calcic HaplosalidsFlatPiedmont alluvial plainSaline pastureCalcareous alluviumImperfectly drained

2Coarse loamy, mixed (calcareous), hyperthermic, Aridic UstorthentsAlmost flatRiver alluvial plainBareCalcareous alluviumWell drained

3Fine loamy, mixed (calcareous), hyperthermic, Aridic UstifluventsAlmost flatPiedmont alluvial plainPlowed Calcareous alluviumModerately well drained

4Loamy skeletal, mixed (calcareous), hyperthermic, Aridic UstifluventsAlmost flatPiedmont alluvial plainHarvested wheatCalcareous alluviumWell drained

5Sandy skeletal, mixed (calcareous), hyperthermic, Aridic UstifluventsAlmost steep Alluvial-colluvial fanpastureCalcareous alluviumWell drained

6Coarse loamy, mixed (calcareous), hyperthermic, Aridic UstorthentsFlatRiver alluvial plainPlowed Calcareous alluviumModerately well drained

7Fine loamy, mixed (calcareous), hyperthermic, Aridic UstifluventsAlmost flatPiedmont alluvial plainPlowed Calcareous alluviumWell drained

8Sandy skeletal, mixed (calcareous), hyperthermic, Aridic UstorthentsAlmost steepAlluvial-colluvial fanPastureCalcareous alluviumWell drained