Research Article

Effects of 24 Years of Conservation Tillage Systems on Soil Organic Carbon and Soil Productivity

Table 1

Effect of different tillage treatments on plant residue after planting and soil loss at Dixon Springs. Odd years have soybean residue and even years have corn residue.

TillageResidue present from previous crop (% cover) Soil loss#
199619971998199920052006200720112012(Mg haāˆ’1)

Chisel plow21b18b29b21b18b28b24b20b28b20b
Moldboard plow6c6c17c5c5c10c8c6c9c30a

*For each year means in a same column followed by the same letter is not significantly different at the probability level.
#Soil loss is calculated by Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE2).