Research Article

A Hybrid Model through the Fusion of Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems and Sensitivity-Based Linear Learning Method for Modeling PVT Properties of Crude Oil Systems

Algorithm 3

Back propagation algorithm for FLS.
Initialize the parameters of all the membership functions for all the rules, , and .
Set an end criterion to achieve convergence.
 (i) for all data points ( ) only
  (a) Propagate the next data point through the FLS.
  (b) Compute error.
  (c) Update the parameters of the membership functions using (10), (11), and (12).
 (ii) end for (*end for each input-output pair*)
 (iii) Compute the root mean square relative error (RMSRE) as in (13).
 (iv) Test the end criterion. If satisfied break.
Until (*end for each epoch*)