Research Article

Fuzzy Shortest Path Problem Based on Level πœ† -Triangular LR Fuzzy Numbers

Algorithm 1

  Input:   , to where denotes the level -triangular LR fuzzy path length.
  Output:   , where denotes the level -triangular LR fuzzy shortest length.
  Step 1: Construct a Network where is the set of vertices and is the set of edges. Here is an acyclic
      digraph and the arc length takes the level -triangular LR fuzzy numbers.
  Step  2: Calculate all the possible paths and the corresponding path lengths , using Definition 3. Set
      , to and .
  Step  3: Calculate the fuzzy shortest length using Definition 4 and set .
  Step 4: Calculate the level -triangular LR intersection index between and using Definition 5 for to .
  Step 5: The path having the highest level -triangular LR intersection index is identified as the shortest path.