Research Article

Fuzzy Reliability in Spatial Databases

Table 5

Layers and parameters of the spatial database.

Thematic dataset LayerParameter

Aerial photogrammetric data(1.1) StreetsDensity of isolated lines
Density of unlabeled lines
(1.2) BuildingsDensity of intersecting polygons
Density of polygons with uncoded height value
Density of polygons with wrong height value
(1.3) Spot elevationsDensity of uncoded points
Density of points with wrong elevation value
(1.4) ContoursDensity of uncoded lines
Density of lines with wrong elevation value

(2) Cadastral data(2.1) Terrain parcelsDensity of intersecting polygons
Density of uncoded polygons
(2.2) Buildings parcelsDensity of intersecting polygons
Density of uncoded polygons
Density of polygons not overlapping buildings
(2.3) Land useDensity of intersecting polygons
Density of unlabeled polygons

(3) Hydrology(3.1) RiversDensity of unlabeled lines
Density of overlapping lines
(3.2) LakesDensity of intersecting polygons
Density of unlabeled polygons
(3.3) AquifersDensity of polygons with wrong piezometric elevation value

(4) Geology(4.1) Surface geologyDensity of intersecting polygons
Density of unlabeled polygons
(4.2) Land slidesDensity of intersecting polygons
Density of unlabeled polygons
(4.3) Alluvial zonesDensity of intersecting polygons
Density of unlabeled polygons

(5) Infrastructural networks(5.1) Road networkDensity of overlapping lines
Density of unlabeled arcs
(5.2) Drainage systemDensity of overlapping lines
Density of unlabeled arcs
(5.3) Water supply networkDensity of overlapping lines
Density of unlabeled arcs
(5.4) Electricity gridDensity of overlapping lines
Density of unlabeled arcs