Research Article

Chimerism in Myeloid Malignancies following Stem Cell Transplantation Using FluBu4 with and without Busulfan Pharmacokinetics versus BuCy

Table 1

Summary of patient characteristics by treatment group.

FluBu4 with PKFluBu4 without PKBuCy
P value
(% or range)(% or range)(% or range)

GenderM 14 (67%)M 24 (70%)M 12 (52%).349
F 7 (33%)F 10 (30%)F 11 (48%)
Median age at time of SCT59 (41–70)63 (48–72)45 (22–63)<.001
 Acute myeloid leukemia15 (71%)15 (44%)19 (82%)
 MPN/MDS6 (29%)19 (56%)4 (18%)
Median blasts in bone marrow at time of SCT4% (1–40%)4% (1–20%)4% (1–90%).910
Cytogenetic risk.521
 High14 (67%)17 (50%)14 (61%)
 Intermediate6 (29%)16 (47%)9 (39%)
 Low1 (4%)1 (3%)0 (0%)
Disease risk index.372
 Intermediate9 (43%)16 (47%)7 (30%)
 High5 (24%)13 (38%)9 (39%)
 Very high7 (33%)5 (15%)7 (30%)
Antithymocyte globulin use12 (57%)21 (62%)10 (44%).38
CD34 dose × 1063.9 ± 1.54.1 ± 1.34.4 ± 2.534
Donor type.401
 Matched related donor9 (43%)13 (38%)12 (52%)
 Matched unrelated donor7 (33%)15 (44%)10 (43%)
 Mismatched unrelated donor5 (24%)6 (18%)1 (5%)

Bu, busulfan; Cy, cyclophosphamide; F, female; Flu, fludarabine; M, male; MDS, myelodysplastic syndrome; MPN; myeloproliferative neoplasm; SCT, stem cell transplant.