Research Article

Should I Stop Thinking About It: A Computational Exploration of Reappraisal Based Emotion Regulation

Algorithm 1

Reappraisal_Evl (U0, U1, breadth)
(1) #U0: utility before the stressful event happened
(2) #U1: utility after the stressful event and before reappraisal
(3) #breadth: number of goals to be considered when evaluating an event
(5) #recovertime: the number of attempts needed before utility recovered
(6) #worse: the number of times the agent feels worse than before the stressful event
(7) recovertimes = [ ]; #an array of results over multiple tests
(8) worses = [ ]; #an array of results over multiple tests
(9) for    in range (100): #test for 100 times
(10)  found = false;
(11)  worse = 0;
(13)   #reinitialize the agent’s state to right after the stressful event
(14)  reinit ();
(15)  for    in range  (100): #allow the agent to maximally reevaluate the event 100 times
(16)    if  found:
(17)     recovertime = recovertime  +  [i];
(18)     break;
(19)    else:
(20)     Uti = reappraisal (breadth);
(21)     #in case reappraisal recovered original utility
(22)     if  Uti U0:
(23)       found = true;
(24)     #reappraisal results in even lower utility
(25)     elif  Uti < U1:
(26)       worse = worse  +  1;
(27)  worses = worses  +  [worse];
(28) return  recovertimes, worses;
(30) reappraisal (breadth): returns the agent’s utility after evaluating the impact of an event/thought that randomly affects
   breadth number of goals, and at a random level for each goal