Review Article

Holography at Work for Nuclear and Hadron Physics

Table 2

Meson spectroscopy from the modified soft wall model [69]. We show the center values of experimental data. In [69] the experimental data are mostly taken from the particle data group [62], while 𝜌 (1282) is from [76]. All results are given in units of MeV.

n 𝜌 -meson 𝜌 experiment 𝑎 1 -meson 𝑎 1 experiment

1 475 775.5 1185 1230
2 1129 1282 1591 1647
3 1429 1465 1900 1930
4 1674 1720 2101 2096
5 1884 1909 2279 2270
6 2072 2149
7 2243 2265