Review Article

The Expanding Zoo of Calabi-Yau Threefolds

Table 3

Other manifolds with small Hodge numbers.

Manifold Reference

(16,24) (16,8) [29]
(32,24) (20,4) [29]
(40,24) (22,2) [29]
(−32, 22) (3,19) [27]
(36,22) (20,2) Smoothing of variety obtained by blowing down 18 rational curves on the rigid “ ” manifold. [35]
(44,22) (22,0) [29]
(18,21) (15,6)Smoothing of variety obtained by blowing down 27 rational curves on the rigid “ ” manifold. [35]
(−20, 20) (5,15) [27]
(8,20) (12,8) [29]
(16,20) (14,6) [29]
(32,20) (18,2) [29]
(40,20) (20,0) [29]
(38,19) (19,0) [29]
(20,18) (14,4) [29]
(28,18) (16,2) [29]
(26,17) (15,2) [29]
(16,16) (12,4) [29]
(28,16) (15,1) [29]
(32,16) (16,0) [29]
(26,15) (14,1) [29]
(20,14) (12,2) [29]
(28,14) (14,0) [29]
(26,13) (13,0) [29]
(16,12) (10,2) [29]
(14,11) (9,2) [29]
(8,10) (7,3) [29]
(12,10) (8,2) [29]
(20,10) (10,0) [29]
(8,8) (6,2) [29]
(16,8) (8,0) [29]
(8,4) (4,0) [29]

This table is the same as that above, except all the manifolds listed either have trivial fundamental group, or a fundamental group which has not been calculated (which is the case for several examples from [29]). The notation is the same as above, and the manifolds with no description are all desingularisations of quotients by various groups of a singular complete intersection of four quadrics in [29].