Research Article

Optimal H.264 Scalable Video Scheduling Policies for 3G/4G Wireless Cellular and Video Sensor Networks

Algorithm 1

Hungarian matching.
(1) Identify the largest element α of the matrix W and replace each element with .
(2) From every row of the resultant matrix subtract the row minimum that is, i.
(3) From every column of the matrix subtract the column minimum that is, .
(4) while True do
(5)  In every row match a row and column if there is only one 0 in a row and strike off the other 0’s in the
  matched column that is, , if , and , ,
(6)  In every column match a row and column if there is only one 0 in the column and strike off the other 0’s
  in the matched row that is, , if , and , ,
(7)  if Allocation is not complete then
(8) Draw minimum number of lines passing through all zeroes.
(9) Identify the smallest number amongst all elements through which no line is passing.
(10)For each element subtract if no line is passing through and add if two lines are passing through.
(11) else
(12)  break
(13) end if
(14) end while